
How are the Irish different from the British?

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I'm talking about cultural ethos and etiquette...

How does each side view the world? Are the Irish more laid-back? Are the British more reserved? Is one group more religious or conservative than the other? What about Northern Ireland? Are they more Irish or British in character?




  1. its always refreshing when you get americans bashing british or english history when in the current world climate america is basically doing the same as the english.  giving the impression that all englishmen and women must be scum based on our ancestors is really bad, do we brand all germans n**i's just because they are german so they must all worship hitler still?.

    no of course not, the guy was asking about cultural differences between the british and the irish, not some biased opinion of those who most likely havent been to either country.  I am english born with an irish mother, the english are generally nice people but are reserved when dealing with new people, the irish are very laid back and open to meeting new people and making you feel welcome.

    the food is generally the same, i do prefer some of the irish groceries such as cookies and drinks you cant get in england, im moving back to ireland in 9 days, i live in america and i dont think all americans support president bush but you shouldnt be biased and reply to peoples questions if you cant give an honest and un-biased answer!!!.

  2. Don't compare us, contrast us!

    We're completely different.

    Irish people work hard and play harder........English people don't

    Irish people are kindly received around the world......English people aren't

    The English people even tried to stop us being ourselves by introducing the penal laws

    Black and White

    Chalk and cheese

    up and down

  3. Ireland is the best country in the world and when we the Irish do well at anything the British hate it do you know that when our bob geldof done live aid us Irish raised 5million pounds for the Charity and the British only raised 0.5 million a half million and next day all the newspapers remarked on good what considering there is only 4.5 million Irish people in the country

  4. I was born English and have lived in Ireland for over 20 years.

    The Irish were different from the British.

    Now we're all chasing the dollar like everyone else and just like everywhere else church attendance has fallen off There are gangland murders in Dublin or Limerick every day of the week and the worldwide held belief that Ireland is still somehow different and laid back is a complete myth.

    The Irish,in fact,work the longest hours than any other European nationality

    We view the world from a corporate/capitalist standpoint like every other country in Europe.We put self interest first and there is no difference other than the accent when we speak English.

  5. Don't insult the Irish by saying that we're like Britain. We are more laid back and friendly, and Northern Ireland has it's own cultures like all British ruled countries, like Scotland and Wales

  6. yer darn right they're different. Irish are more laid back an friendlier. North Ireland is more British I think

  7. We have our own rich culture in arts, literature and music that the english wished they had! We are vasty different people mostly Celtic and Norman whereas they are mostly Anglo-Saxon. We are as different as two nations can be, but we do share some similar interests!

  8. There are very little difference really we are all the same pigs litter so to speak, There are those Irish who think they are Culturally ahead of the British, But that is a well known form of brain disorder very prevalent in Ireland.. Since the Principle Language is English ..What does that tell you.Some Notable Irish people have been working towards closer ties..But there will always be idiots who want to jump up and down at the thought

  9. I don't want to stereotype but when I was there I did get the impression that Britain was more like New York City and Ireland was the country. Of course I stayed right in London so that might be the difference but they just seemed more reserved then Ireland

  10. The Irish never travelled around the world invading countries, killing the people and stealing their property. The English (not British) did.

    The Irish were laid-back and peaceful farmers. The english invaded and stole their land, killed the people, outlawed their language and religion - and are STILL there 800 years later.

    This probably can give you an idea of the type of people the English are. The Irish are opposite.

  11. England's governmental policy for the last 800 years has been "To make the entire world British".  Although in the last 75 years this policy has started to crumble due to the pure economics of the thing.  Frankly the sun has set on the British Empire, Thank God.  Anglo Saxon colonization has much to answer for with it's legacy of the "white mans burden".  But that is all history and life/the world must move on.

    The Irish, Celts, just wanted to be left alone on their own island and govern themselves. Very big differences in culture and approach to life between the Anglo/Saxons and the Celts.

  12. Irish people are generally laid back, but when it comes to work, we are generally some of the hardest workers in Europe.  This stems from up until recently there was chronic unemployment and we don't want to go back to that.  

    If you leave the commuter belt of Dublin you will find people alot more relaxed and not so capitalist for lack of a better word.  Since we have been a Catholic country for so long, we do have a socialist streak and do think of the common good more so than everyman for himself.

    In terms of etiquette we are very informal, in work, in education in every stream of life.  We are on a first name basis with everyone, including priests where they are referred to as Fr. + their first name.

    We are proud of our country.  The EU did a Eurobarometre poll recently and found us the proudest of our country in Europe, but we don't flout it in other people's faces like some countries and their people.

    For the poster that said Ireland was a peacful nation of farmers when "the English" invaded is wrong.  We were  a tribal country of warriors and scholars.  Our in fighting is what made the Norman conquest of Ireland so easy for them.

  13. I have been to both ireland and england and i must say both countries are beautiful and so are most of the people.  At my grandparents home in ireland it was great to see how welcome everyone was in there home.  my father moved to the US about 20 years ago and every year when we go back he is constantly meeting old friends.  everywhere we went we met someone from his past.  the whole country is like a small town where everyone knows each other.  England on the otherhand is much more like the United States.  People dont all know each other and neioghbors are no where near as close as they are in Ireland.  I agree that the English are more reserved and less friendly.  But countries are great places

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