
How are the Japanese press and people feeling about their treatment at the Olympics?

by Guest56876  |  earlier

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Do they feel that China has been good to them? There has been booing when the Japanese play, but not during all events. How is the press portraying the Olympics? How do the people feel?




  1. Japanese women's soccer team is now playing the US. I don't know why but cheers from the stadium that seems mostly occupied by Chinese are obviously louder for the US and it looks like japan is going to lose the match in a very miserable way. I don't know why but the fact that cheers from Chinese people are louder for the opponent is getting on my nerves more than if Japan was playing China.

    It just seems to me that, with the Chinese government keeping its people from booing japan blatantly, the suppressed desire of Chinese people to boo Japan has somehow transformed into cheering other countries playing Japan.

    Having said that booing is part of all the sports and there's nothing wrong with that.

    Anyway I personally think this is the greatest Olympic games ever and I wish to express my respect for Chinese people.

  2. Japanese and Japanese media know Chinese have not been well educated in civilized society yet.

    The fireworks on the opening ceremony was gimmick. The girl sang was fake. 56 races dolls on marching were just only Han race etc.

    Those all are reported as disgraceful Chinese manner. They may think as if Chinese let themselves get carried away too much.

  3. Chinese people are rude to Japanese people because they didn't know that China could not have the Olympic Games without Japanese supports.

    They are always anti-Japan becuase the government cannot control without encouraging its citizens to pay attention to things other than its politics.

    But not many Japanese people care about Chinese.

    Who cares about children's behaviour if they are adults? China is still a poor country, it is not time yet to consider it as a mature country like Japan or America, who can control their countries by themselves.

  4. Its famous chinese rudeness..and the same old thing.

    China cant control the people without anti-japan .

    and The world knows that china is not fit to be a host country.

    Nobody takes them seriously.

  5. Well,i think there's no Japanese who feel good about this.

    I personally think it's better than expected though.No serious problems have happened as far as I know...

    Japanese medias are not so much trustworthy especially when it comes to East Asian problems.Some sound like pro-China that trying to hide (or ignore) how those Chinese society really welcoming Japanese olimpians and audiences while some of other medias are not...

    It was reported that famous old man who went all olimpics from 1964's Tokyo to Athene dissapointedly got back from Beijin.

    CG opening ceremony,lip singing girl and fake 56 tribal kids also did not contribute to giving good impression to Japanese people...


  6. Of course we feel bad about Chinese booing.

    But I think we are rather undisturbed this time.

    Because we have been learning the things what Chinese people would do, and most of us are just appalled at their behavior.

    To be honest, I personally think some Chinese in China are hopelessly dork.

    Besides we don't talk about the Olympics that much.

    I even don't know when Beijing Olympic ends.(><)

    Only some colorcasters are excited hysterically, and that kind of thing really makes me sick too.

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