
How are the Lebanese in Lebanon towards each other, any religious tensions between the people?

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im just curious really, because i know of the political tensions but since Lebanon is so diverse with different religious groups, how do the people treat each other there? Like are there religious tensions between them? or do they get along fine?




  1. Actually some may say that there isn't....but actually there is a lot of tension....i mean the wars are political wars .....but the political groups are all religious....

    so usually most of the people in a political group are of the same religion...

    ....but this problem is fading slowly... cuz its the older generation...the one from the war that is really into wars and restrictions with the other religion

    ... but the younger generation does not care one bit about your religion.... i should know... i have friends of both muslim and christian religion and i don't diffrenciate one bit... nor care that they're of a different religion...

    ... only those "met3asbeen" people raise their kids to hate that sort of thing...

    ....but i believe that our generation will help put a stop to this problem....we want to live in peace in our home.... our country... cuz we're all in this together....

    bu there are still many cases of religious problems in lebanon...

  2. My mum best friend was  Cristian when we were in Lebanon and her daughter was my  friend as well to what i lived and know

    (there is no tensions between us)

    i do not know if its the case in other places

  3. Well they mainly live in different neighborhoods, so they don't have to associate with eachother much...that's what I thought.  I'm cool with the Christians, nothing against them.  I don't know about other people though...

  4. there are no natural tension between the lebs,  it is all political of the highest international order/scale, however the poor(muslims or christians) are being sold and bought and carry and execute some ungodly missions, killing for the mighty buck,   but in general the muslims are not all bad, and the christians are not all good either,  she is an extremist, i am not defending them. however... there are  chiite   there are sunnis   there are druze   there are alawis or alawites   and then you have the  4 different kind of christians,  but one thing i can tell you is all of these are true lebs and they would live in peace and harmony if the palestinians werent infesting the area and if your d**k chaney and his trophy cabinet would let them be,  they would be as happy as they always were before belford promised a nation of israel in the mid 1940's as an appology for the Holocaust. but noooo, they have to see that israel is well protected because of the money power the jews hold on the international scale. i am not against israel either, for God loves us all the same, here s what i am saying:

    everyone is guilty... and the lebs ( christians and/or muslims) have been victimized .   lebanon turned to be the chess board of a game bigger than life of this so called israel vs palestine. it was long fortold in the bible "quote" lebanon, you open your doors and the fire will eat up your cedars.

    we let the plo in and no one ever rested since.

    God i hope that verse is wrong in the bible.

    long live lebanon, master,free and independant.

    honor, sacrifice, fidelity.

  5. dont worry shes an extremist...

  6. just to make sure all people know she is NOT talking about me lol. Just wanted to clear that up before someone is mad at me. :)

  7. I have both Christian & Muslim  relatives in Lebanon & my grandparents were of different faiths.

    Decent people don't descriminate ...hatred is only  encouraged for motives of power , control & personal gain & religious differences used as a tool for domination .

    In my opinion , if a religion has nothing to fear people should be free to practice their faith , discuss it openly  , not suffer any prejudices . Sadly there are countries in the region where minorities don't have such freedom ...the religious police control the population by fear ...why ? What is it they are afraid of ...?

  8. its very segregated in lebanon, each religion has its own part of the country .... which i think is sad...

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