
How are the american muselms voting?

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How are the american muselms voting?




  1. 'Muselms' would be voting for one of thier own I would think (which would be Obama).

  2. Without leaving fingerprints.


    Contrary to what we would like to believe, religion isn't left out of politics in USA and this is why it is such a blow to our suppose to be a secular democracy.

  3. Definitely not for Obama.

    He oposes the palestinian stand of anhialation of israel.

    And professes christ to be the son of God, in direct contradiction to the Koran.

  4. For Barrack Hussein Obama he was born in Hawaii his real father is a muslim...his mother devorced him then married another muslim man who sent Barrak to indonisia where he attended a radical muslim school. Now hes their leader... and they know it but most americans don't

  5. I agree religion SHOULD be left out of politics completely. But sadly there are many religious fanatics out there. It would be refreshing to have an Atheist run for office that would tell everyone to leave their religious conflicts OUT of our government. It is a personal choice and everyone should respect and tolerate people's personal beliefs. People should also not try to impose their own moral or religious views on other people. THAT IS WRONG!

  6. Wow, spell check not working or was your intent to sound rude?  

    Hopefully Muslims will vote just like Catholics, Protestant's Methodist's and Wiccans .... with their heart in what is best for America and not what a religion dictates. That is why religion is best left OUT of politics

  7. being most of the American Muslims are black...I am sure they are voting for him

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