
How are the children of overprotective parents affected once they're grown up?

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How do kids moving out of a house with overprotective parents transition to the real world? What types of problems do people with overprotective parents usually have?




  1. They might make stupid choices due to a lack of learning from there own mistake growing up.  They need a little bit of independence more and more growing up so that it won't be a drastic change for them.

  2. I have a friend like that. Her mom didn't tell her about periods,s*x,or anything. She'll be affected because she hasn't experienced ANYTHING. It's gonna be a real shocker when they get in the real world.

  3. they prolly wouldent know wat to do

    most of them would prolly just go out and do everything that they wernt aloud to do wen they wer younger  

  4. i think if a teen has overprotective parents, they may grow up, and then want to have some sort of "childhood" , now that they can do whatever they want.

    growing up, my parents never had much, with my dad having 10 other siblings, and my mom who had many siblings and a small house, they both had to babysit alot, and never really even got the chance even ask to go out alot, therefore, now, with me and my 2 brothers, they want to go out, insisting, they couldnt do this when they were young !

    but with them going out, its making me not being able to go out, and do the things i would do. if it got bad enough, i would grow up also feeling without a proper "childhood" type thing.

    and itll just keep going.

  5. i went crazy after i got out of high school. parties, drugs, alchy, etc. Its a miracle I'm alive. but that lasted for like 2 years and then i was over it- and went back to the way i was before. but seriously, it is a miracle that i am alive. Had I been in a city, there is no doubt in my mind that i would have been dead by now.

    I had really overprotective parents. like they wouldnt even let me go to preschool when i was a kid because they didnt want those kids to influence me. PRESCHOOL. yeah. no prom, no homecomings, etc. i was grounded for an entire YEAR for a b on my report card (no phone, tv, games, internet unless it was for school, friends... nothing. i had books and that was it) my life sucked! (until i learned how to sneak out when i was a senior in High School lol)

  6. being that my parents are overprotective of me now

    i can say that i miss out on a lot of things with my friends.

    when they are at parties im at home watching tv, or doing something else.

    when my friends are walking around and having fun.. im on my block just sitting on my step.  or hanging out with the middle schoolers.

    im less exposed to  things.

    i mostly hangout with people at school, ( because my parents dont like me walking place by myself or going into peoples houses that they dont know) so to make things easier i only talk to my friends at school.

    like the other day.. my parents for once let me leave the block

    (im 15 just to let you know) when i met these new people they asked me if i drink or do other stuff. half the stuff i was like nooo.

    most kids that have overprotective parents are the "good ones" im always called the good girl cause im never into trouble and all that stuff.

    i can't say how my parents are rasing me is bad cause its not

    its just that i would like more freedom & be able to go where ever i wanna go.. but that will never happen duh lol

    but its all good i guess

    i do get to hangout with friends on the weekends.. i just can't go anywhere i want to


  7. well my dad is overprotective of me. i haven't moved out of the house, i'm only 15. but i've done everything my parents didn't want me to do except for s*x. i'm still a virgin. but i've gotten into drugs and alcohol and seen guys they didn't approve of. but really i think it's a phase. they'll grow out of it when it stops being fun.  

  8. the kids who hated it will probably go against the parents teaching and get into sum crazy sh*t.

    the kids who accepted the teaching and appreciated it will probably be scared and disoriented in this "big,scary world". sheltering your kids is not good.

  9. Overprotective parents can affect children in two different ways. The child can either be overly shy or extremely rebellious. Once grown up, the overly shy one will probably not know how to fit in the "real world", have panic attacks or get into depression. The rebellious one will probably abuse the freedom and spend their time partying, drinking, or doing drugs.

    There are also sometimes where the child grows up and has a regular life even with overprotective parents. It mostly depends on the child.

  10. Kids of parents who protect them from everything in the world, limit their exposure, and give little freedom, are often overwhelmed when they leave home. With so many choices available to them, like alcohol, drugs, smoking, and partying, and no one to say No to them, these kids often make the wrong choices. This is also because they didn't have as many chances to make mistakes and learn.

  11. they usually do everything there parents didnt want them to

    get in to drugs, drinking etc.

    they usually end up getting in a lot of trouble

  12. My parents divorced when I was 6 yrs old, my dad took custody of my brother and I. As my father's 1st born and only daughter he was very protective of me never letting me go to my friends house, spend the night, go to the mall, I didnt even get to go to high school football games or Homecoming. As soon as I turned 18 I moved out on my own, I graduated late, partied everyday, I drank, did drugs I never knew what it was like to have freedom to be able to do what I wanted, months later I moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend, my 2nd actual boyfriend. I got pregnant and was considered high risk because I couldnt quit my habits of partying (I did quit 4 months into my pregnancy) The boyfriend and I split up and now I am a single 20 yr old mother. Im living with my parents but I am sucha better person, my father has realized the adult I am and its no longer a problem. When life gets hard I want to drink or do some drugs but my son is all I need.

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