
How are the delegates chosen in the preliminary elections??

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How are the delegates chosen in the preliminary elections??




  1. Party delegates to the national convention are distributed two different ways: by % of vote, or winner-take-all.

    Regardless of the way they are distributed, they are then selected by the party faithful, particularly from the campaign supporters of whoever won the delegates--which is why most Primary results are reported by Congressional district.

    Only the Democrats have Super Delegates--mostly made up of people who serve in a high political office such as Governor or Senator. They can pretty much vote for whomever they chhose at the convention. Though for the most part they tend to vote for whoever already has the most delegates, noting binds them in who they vote for.

    That goes for ALL convention delegates, by the way--nothing binds their vote for a particular candidate; though as I said before, delegates are chosen from each Congressiopnal district from the party (and campaign) faithful, so a candidate is almost assured their delegates will vote for them

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