
How are the evangelicals and conservatives reacting to the pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter?

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Doesn't it go to show that we are all human, no matter what?




  1. Yes, they are realists and reacting as they would regardless of who it is. It's one thing to become pregnant, how you take responsibility afterwards is where the lessons are.

  2. She must be so proud.  And if they think they're going to get any enlightened female votes, they'd better think twice.  

  3. her daughter is 17... in years past, the average woman would be married and have had a few children by that age.

    she is getting married, keeping the baby, that's good enough in my book.  The child made a mistake, but instead of taking the quick fix of a knife in a clinic, they are going to take a responsible approach.  This sounds ethical and up to my conservative views

  4. She didn't sweep it under the rug and shrug responsibilty.  That's more in line with Obama's thinking.

  5. another sheep for the flock to get fleeced

  6. One word: HYPOCRITICALLY.

  7. They don't mind as long as she keeps the child.

  8. Thats not the evangelical way of thinking! You may be human, but your still a sinner going to h**l...

  9. obama was born to a 17 year old un wed mother,why do you think he said it was off limits.concern for the family? right.

  10. I agree with Corvato.

    "The child made a mistake, but instead of taking the quick fix of a knife in a clinic, they are going to take a responsible approach."

    I think it does prove that we are all human, and the way Palin's family is handling what happened is the perfect Christian family's anti-abortion reaction.  Kudos to them for being a public example to all in this situation.

    I can hardly wait to vote Republican in the election!!!!!!!  

  11. I just took a poll of leading Republican evangelicals and conservatives including Congressman Mark Foley, Reverend Ted Haggard, Senator Larry Craig, and Missouri state Representative Scott Muschany who was just indicted in connection with a sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, 2008.

    They unanimously agree that there is nothing

    wrong or hypocritical with any of this.

  12. Would you be saying this if it was Obama's daughter? I doubt it, you d**n hypocritical republican.

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