
How are the girls at njit??

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I just want to know how the girls look like and how many go there??




  1. I have no idea about NJIT, specifically, but I did go to a very engineering-focused school as an undergrad.  Is that of any help?

    I think our school was 25-30% female.  Some of them would bother to look all nice and such for the guys, but most of us either never bothered with much from day 1 or quit caring after a semester or so.  That's not to say that we looked awful by any means, but basic comfort and being able to be ready to go quickly in the morning were much more of a priority than hair, makeup, and fashion.  (You don't really care if you look great when you're only on 4-5 hours of sleep. . . trust me.)  Besides, the ratio is in your favor if you're female at such a school. . . basic hygiene and wearing at least decent-looking pajamas to your 8:00 class would get you a guy if you made it known that you wanted one.

    If you're seriously all that interested in the girls, then you might want to think about going somewhere else. . . unless of course, you like smart girls with quite a bit of substance.  That's what those types of school are loaded with.

  2. Uh, hardly any girls attend NJIT. The ones that do are okay, I suppose. Don't choose a college based on the girls that go there, dude! Besides, there are other colleges in the area (like Rutgers) where you can meet girls, too.

  3. NJIT is not exactly roaming with girls.  The ones I have meet from my travels have been really nice and good looking.

    The most important thing is to NOT choose a college based on other people!  Whether it be your significant other or your mom, you should choose the college where you think you can get the best education.  

    If you are going there to meet girls, you might as go somewhere else.  NJIT can provide you a great education and res hall experience, but not if you are not looking for it.

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