
How are the names of various cyclones kept like Katrina, Nargis and Rita etc? Why are these female names only?

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KAtrina and Rita are christian names while Nargis is muslim name, all the names are female names.




  1. it dpends on where the cyclone is coming from. If it's from the east they give female names, if it's from the west male names

  2. nope, you forgot hurricane andrew

  3. In Spanish the masculine 'el mar' is the correct translation of the sea. Many sailors who know the sea prefer to use the grammatically incorrect feminine 'la mar'.

    The sea can be seen as a perpetual masculine foe. A worthy opponent to be conquered or mastered.

    The sea can also be seen as a beautiful source of nurturing, giving boundless wealth. But like a woman, she has moods. Sometimes its calm and beautiful. At other times it is gray and trouble. On occasion the mood is a black deadly fury like a hurricane. For that reason hurricanes used to have only feminine names.

    Recently the politically correct brigade (those who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes) has ruined an ancient respect for the sea by insisting names for hurricanes be both male and female.

    Katrina, Rita, Nargis get matched against Andrew, Floyd, and Mitch

  4. Because they are "HERicanes"

  5. Just the luck of the name.  They alternate lists combined of both male and female names.  Andrew and Hugo are male names.

  6. Anything that reaches Tropical Storm size or bigger is named from a pre-set list devised by some major meteorological organization or another.  There are like 5 or 6 different lists and they use one each year. Each list has one name from each letter of the alphabet (minus unusual naming letters like "x", etc.) and as the list goes down, they alternate between traditionally considered "female" and "male" names--so if you happen to only remember a few storms with female names, it's just coincidence, because statistically speaking there are an equal number of male and female named storms. Each year alternates between having the list start with a female name or a male name with "A", etc...

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