
How are the netherlands coping with the new NO SMOKING ban?

by Guest34310  |  earlier

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How are the netherlands coping with the new NO SMOKING ban?




  1. Why bother. In Australia is smoking ban in all bars and pubs from last year and nobody protested. They all go outside the pu to smoke an they all making new friend and relationship connections. You, see they wouldn't be talking to each other in the pub, but outside they building a great comradeship. It is better for everyone and nobody is whining and nobody really cares. There will be much bigger problem about the rise in petrol price then some silly no-smoking ban!!

  2. Whaaat isn`t Amsterdam in the Netherlands? they`ll be civil war surely.

  3. I saw a story yesterday (I think it was in the METRO, but it might have been the SPITS) that there was a new organization called something along the lines of 'the smoking church of god' which was attempting to claim the religious freedom to smoke within it's churches and within cafes that were 'members' of the organization. (The article didn't really explain the necessary relationship between a church and a cafe, so I'm not clear on that)

    However, it seems to be a very small organization, and it was definitely a very small story. Several cafes and bars, etc, had smoking parties prior to the ban going into effect as a sort of farewell, but that was the last major story that came out of the ban that I've seen.

    As far as I can tell, most people are just dealing with it a moving on (my fiance works in Etos, and they're selling a lot more products to help quit smoking right now).

  4. only in the coffeeshops ur still allowed to smoke but if u only smoke tobacco its kinda silly to go to a coffeshop where u can smoke marihuana

  5. I'm confused. Does a 'no smoking ban' mean they're obliged to smoke?

  6. they are smart and open-minded folks...the DUTCH know whats best for them and their next-generation so...they will keep their spirit with or without their smokes.....anyways this country is too small to allow just about its very smart indeed

  7. Actually the smoking ban in the workplace within NL has has been in effect since Jan 2004 but bars, cafes etc were left outside the ban. So yesterday was just the final part of the jigsaw puzzle in place and something which has been planned for years now, so it's not really big news

    Coping?  Well the same as all the other countries beforehand.  Like mentioned before, it's fact so get on with it, and there are more things which are important.  Yes it was part of the news reports, but certainly no big deal.  Some coffeeshops in Tilburg are "protesting", but this is more of a 'storm in a teacup' kind of thing

    So now it's 02/Jul.... and well it's already disappeared from the online news sites which I guess sums it up!

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