
How are the teen activities on Carnival Cruise Lines?

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I'm going on a cruise and I'm 16. I was wondering are the teen activities they have fun? Did you make friends if you were by yourself (without friends or other family members that you already know)?




  1. It may seem really awkward at first but just introduce yourself because all the kids are going to be feeling the same way you do. I would go on the first day just to get to know everyone and try to stay away from the cliques that get formed on the first day as that will just cause drama on your cruise, and no one needs drama on their vacation. It will make you alot happier trust me. When I was around your age, I actually found it pretty easy to make friends, but then again I wasnt really shy, so I just jumped right in and made new friends right away.. Have fun.

  2. Definetley, but make sure you choose the bigger and newer ships they tend to have more activities

  3. ok i went on my first cruise when iwas 15 and now im 18 and going on my second cruise in 1 mouth and i can not wait!!!

    i had sooooooo mcuh fun on my first cruise i met many new freinds from all over the world and the activitys are awesome

    there is a set plan that is put under your door every morning that has the whole day planned out for the teens. there is alot of fun stuff to do and at night dance partys in the teen club,

    i went in like december on a carribean cruise and i was worried that no kids were going to be on the ship there were a good bit of kids like 30 that hung out and did the activitys than there were some who stayed to them selfs but if you go in the summer or spring ive heard my freinds tell me there were abot 300+teens on the ship!

    you will have a great time i hope you enjoy your self and you will on a crusie i mean you really have to try reallly really hard to not have fun: ) and yeah i went with my family and met people by myself just by showing up to the activitys and the people were super freindly !!

  4. They are fun. I made alot of friends when I went on Carnival. The activities are more for the younger ages. Usually I just went to the disco.

  5. i just came back froma cruise with Carnival yetserday...and it was fun, you'll love it! They have more activities geared towards young children and adults. They did have this teen club thing for younger teens like under 14, but since im 19 i didnt wanna look creepy and go. Most of the kids and teens just hang out late at night on the deck. They have activities for everyone and anyone can join in, most of the teenagers on the ship did...

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