
How are these SAT scores?

by Guest67133  |  earlier

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I just received my scores and got a combined score of 1840. Math dragged me down quite a bit.

Critical Reading: 620

Math: 550

Writing: 670

Does anyone know how these scores are, and what colleges are likely to accept an application?




  1. there OK...

    Math dragged you down big time tho...

    as for colleges I'd say it depends on the standards for the colleges around you, unless you wanted to go out of state.....

  2. Those are excellent scores, much higher than my kids got. And one just graduated from college, the other has just been accepted. I don't see any problems. However, if you apply to a private college (as opposed to a state college), they will have a score requirement. You need to research the particular college you want to apply to. I suggest you sign up to, it is free and gives you a lot of information!

  3. Do you have a chance to retake them?  Sorry to say, but the scores are on the low end.

    You could take a study course for the SAT's and try again.

  4. When I was in high school, the highest you could get was 1600....

  5. Id advise taking them again and just focusing on math. Get some tutoring if you can! I took SATS 3 times. My scores were similar to yours, but math was a 610. Good enough for state schools! Not good enough for Connecticut college and schools like that. Probably good enough for less competitive private schools. good job! good luck!

  6. They're pretty awesome.  You should retake it to try to bring your math up, but it's still not bad.   Most state schools will take those SAT scores the way they are.  Many mid-level private schools, too.  If your grades are B or better you've got a lot of choices.

    It's really hard to give you a list of schools that will take them since you don't give us any indication of what you're interested in studying or where you live.

  7. Those scores are average, but there are plunty of schools that you can get into. I would recomend taking the ACT. They are a very different test aimed more at actual questioning rater than reasoning. Normally you are either an SAT or ACT person. I honestly wouldn't worry about your scores. Mine were close to that I also took the act and got a 28 which is just above average. I am going to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I fine and respected school. Go visit and do a college matchmaker for schools that are good for you. Then you can see the required scores for the school you like best. Good Luck on your college search. I hope this helps.

  8. I think these scores are very good. I had a combined score of 1610 and was accepted to all of my state schools including UC Berkeley and all the privates I applied to. As long as you have extracurricular activities you'll be fine.

  9. math dragged me down too.

    it all depends on what college your looking at

    Generally a SAT score of about 500 in Mathematics, 500 in writing skills and 500 in critical reading is good to secure admission in a better college.

    try going here:

  10. Your score is somewhere in the 80th-89th percentile for college bound seniors, so it's good, is it great, will get you into most schools, just don't expect any of the top 40 universities to accept you.

  11. First, your scores are NOT horrible. The colleges you're applying to may also take into account the fact that your area of intended study is not mathematically inclined. If you were hoping to be an engineer, they may be more disappointed with your math score. But, you're not, so I wouldn't worry TOO much about it.

    If you can retake them, definitely try to get math up to at least 600. The critical reading and writing are pretty good. Definitely spend the most time improving the math, but practice with the critical reading, as well. Most colleges don't really care about the writing section, so you might want to try to improve C.R. to at least 650. But, again, focus on math if you're retaking the test.

    As far as what colleges you can get into--check out this list:

  12. I have no idea, other than: those scores are horrible! where you live might also be helpful.

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