
How are these strange animal incidents happening???!!!?

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Animals come to my house on special days, they come from the wild and they don't leave and we keep them as pets! On Valentines's day a rabbit came, on my birthday a dove came, on my parents aniversary another dove came, my dad's bday we got free parakeets, my birthday a cockatiel, my science fair mice gave birth to babies on easter and mother's day, a dove died on when my mom's dad died, and this takes the cake: a tortoise came to us on my dad's grandpa's b-day (in the middle of anaheim CA!!!) Can anyone tell me what's going on? Is this coincidence or this some thing else?




  1. Anything can happen in California...There were some parrots that lived around here 'cause there was a fruit tree that they ate and it grew around here.

  2. You must be a very special family, animals, like young children, can often sense where they will be safe from harm. The significance of them coming on special occasions makes it that much more special.

    How fortunate you are to have living reminders of special days in your life.

    I lived in Anaheim for many years and the most exciting thing I ever saw was a seagull and one stray are truly blessed and special.(Karma)...thank you

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