
How are thongs harmful?

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i've been wearing them for a couple years now but my sister told me that they are bad for you?!?!

how are they bad for you or harmful?!?!




  1. Hi Reba,

    Thongs should not be worn at all, for any length of time."

    thongs are unhealthy because they irritate the urethra, causing bladder and urinary tract infections.  women who wear thongs on a daily basis are more susceptible to vaginal and bacterial infections.

    "Because the thong has little material, there is nothing protecting the vaginal area from harmful bacteria, and this is what causes bacteria to grow," .  

    There are health risks associated with constant thong wear.

    Lacerations of the a**s and hemorrhoids can result from continuous thong wear also thongs cut off circulation to the vaginal area.  

    At night, try not to wear any underwear because the more clothing you wear, the more heat that creates, More heat means more bacteria.

    Best way to avoid vaginal infections and irritation is to practice good hygiene.

    The main thing is to keep yourself clean, and maintain your hygiene, Change your underwear every day, and clean your vaginal area every day.

    I hope you didn't mean flip flops ?

    Anyway good luck Hun.

  2. they rub a hole in your as*

  3. Some people say they can cause infections because of the restrictions and because bacteria can easily travel from back to front.

    I think as long as you're not wearing them 24/7, you change into a new pair regularly and you shower everyday, that you'll be fine.

  4. The friction between ()!()causes  skin irritation, naturally women's are damp and warm around this place .If skin irritation occur stop or refrain from using thong until healed.

  5. I still don't understand the concept of a thong. Do girls where them because they like to have things stuck in the crack of their ars.

  6. ok brace ur self cuz this may sound gross but i wouldnt recommend wearing them all the time especially if they are a synthetic material cuz most girls get...well damp down there and that can lead to yeast infections and what not in your "what not" so wear cotton bikini cut or booty shorts which still can be s**y victoria secret has some that are cute. and i honestly dont see how someone can wear a thong on there period. talk about a lack of security.

    sorry but thats the truth  

  7. because of their design, they make it easier for the bacteria in your digestive tract to come in contact with your reproductive organs....causing cross contamination.... not good!!!

  8. well its easier to get a yeast infection wearing thongs.  

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