
How are those who oppose environmentalists, called?

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Through what they stand for; pollutionists, politicionists, antienvironmentalists, natureextremists? Or?




  1. Eco-terrorist... i think that is the right word

  2. Environmentalists have sadly been so extreme they have pushed people away from believing them!!

    Claims that sea level could rise by 30 meters were made early this year.  The UN then published a report saying 27 inches in the next hundred years!!   There is not enough water and ice on the planet to raise sea level to thirty meters!!!

    Extremist and alarmist claims have harmed the cause.   Even organised groups like Greenpeace seem always to give dire warnings, huge criticism and silly stunts rather than constructive help and advice.

    Environmentalists only look at the positives in selling alternative fuels and none of the down sides.  Bio diesel has now been shown to produce more CO2 from planting to use than conventional diesel making it a worse polluter!!!    Windmills still take more power to produce them than they provide in their lifetime!

    The only thing that can help the environment is for everyone to shout down the extremists and encourage good scientific research and open and honest debate.

    Just as the term global warming was discredited by the extremist claims and gave way to the term climate change so to does the term environmentalist need to be cleaned up and retained to rational scientists and honest people!!!

    So until that happens those that oppose most people who call themselves environmentalists are called realists!!!  

    What is more the pseudo environmentalists making such exagerated and alarmist claims should actually be recognised for what they are doing - destroying the chance of getting the message across that urgent steps are required.  So perhaps they should be seen as environmental damagers rather than the earth's saviours they tend to see themselves as!!!

  3. No-vironmentalists.

  4. i think we're called people.

  5. Enemies of the planet

    and so

    prospective candidates for our exiting new revolutionary green GLOBAL recycling project

    to combat overpopulation,help the water shortage ,take the presure of food supply ,stop expanding agriculture ,make a dent in people that contaminate ,and in general get rid of negative elements and most of all motivate others to behave more environmentaly correct ,

    all you need is a white robe ,and bring a bottle (for me ,i hate the sight of blood)

    we got our own knives and you (the enemy of the planet )is despatched heaven wards ,with dignety ,(lots of chanting and stuff)

    this makes religious people very  happy ,


    we use the remains to compost the lands destroyed by irresponsible agriculture (more enemies to be found here ) and have an excuse for lots of full moon parties

    the Gods and especially Gaia would be over the moon.

    what do you think

    only the enemies of Earth could object to that ,and we dont want any of those around now do we??????????

  6. Realists.  Pro-Humanity.  Humans First.

  7. Realists

  8. Rational people.  Intelligent people.

  9. Realists.

    Also hunters.

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