
How are vegetables classified?

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nothing sciency just i wna no how




  1. It depends what species of vegetable. Then what genus, then what family, et cetera, et cetera.

    Vegetables are classified the same way that all plants are, they're no different. Just edible.

  2. "Magnoliopsida" is the taxonomic level for the class that includes all dicot plants (those having two cotyledons, or embryonic leaves when the seeds germinate).  That wouldn't work, because by eliminating the class for monocots (one embryonic leaf at germination) you'd eliminate onions, leeks, asparagus, and corn among others.  If you want a name to put all the vegetables under, you'd have to go up a level to the division Magnoliophyta, to include all flowering plants (and you don't eat fern fiddleheads, which are in a different division).

    Technically, a vegetable is any part of a plant that you eat that doesn't have seeds - if you have seeds, then it's a fruit (scientifically speaking).

    NOTE:  Magnoliopsida and Magnoliophyta contain a lot of non-edible plants as well.  Classification has more to do with leaf and flower characteristics, and if vascular tissue is present, than if you can eat it.

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