
How are veterans voting in this upcoming election? Obama or McCain?

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I know this might lead to some McCain or Obama bashing, but let's try to keep to the point.




  1. i agree with moose..!

  2. Officers will vote for McCain, especially career officers,especially Whites.

    Enlisted personnel will vote for Obama, especially Blacks

  3. Veterans who are concerned with our security will vote Obama.

    Bush/McCain/neocon tactics have increased threats to our security worldwide and removed out buffer between Iran and the rest of the world.  By removing SH we virtually insured a nuclear Iran.  Look at Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia: all would be problems without 8 years of Republican incompetence but are far worse because of it.

    We desperately need Obama to change direction and reduce the threat.


  5. Retired Army, been to Iraq three times, I'm voting for McCain.

    It's apparent BO hates the military and would love to gut the military...

  6. From what I have heard, most are voting for McCain, the reason for that is, when Obama went to visit Iraq. The soldiers who were lined up to shake his hand and great him were very disappointed in the fact he never acknowledged them nor shook their hands.

  7. I hope veterans make an intelligent decision on who they vote for and not just vote for McCain because he is a vet. If they want to vote for him thats ok but at least have some reasons why besides him being a vet.  

  8. McCain, US Army reserves 1992-2000

  9. I am a vet and I will vote for McCain, most of my friends will vote for McCain, too. We have to keep this country safe and you won't keep it safe with a president that intends on stripping our military to pay for more welfare programs.

  10. McCain is the man,

  11. Traditionally vets vote more often than not for Republicans.

  12. I have not yet met anyone that has served or is serving that respects Obama!  He would never serve but wants to lead those that do!

  13. obama

  14. Count me as a vet for McCain/Palin!

  15. oh let's see .....Mccain.They sure can't identify with Obama.

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