
How are we causing/affecting global warming?

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How are we causing/affecting global warming?




  1. The earth's heat pattern has been fluctuating since the dawn of time, all we've done is amplify the fluctuation. In 20 years we'll be bitching that it's getting too cold.

  2. We're not.  This is a normal cycle that Earth goes through.  It has happened before, and will likely happen again.  We happen to be here while it's happening.

  3. Some people believe it exists and think that they have proof.  Some people do not believe that it exists and think that they have proof.  Both sides have scientific evidence to support their theories.  It is a very confusing issue that proves that science is not, in fact, an exact science.  Just like any divisive issue, it is impossible to tell who is really "right," regardless of what anyone tells you.  Most people who feel very strongly on the issue are so far from being experts on the topic that it is ridiculous.  That is why it should just be called a theory until it is proved or disproved with some finality.  Good luck.  I hope someone gives you something that you can use...

  4. don't listen to ur first answer, we cut down forest, use cars, way too much garbage, green house gases, Petroleum will end like in 20 years+human population grows by the end of 2100 the population will be 12 000 000 000, its all TRUE take transit ASAP no matter what.

  5. sprayin certain aeresoles in the air that contain cfc's, global warming bec thers 2 much co2 and pollution in the air, burning of fossil fuels, cutting down trees

  6. the burning of fuels help to cause global warming.

  7. hairspray, loitering, using to much water, leaving electricity on for a long period of time... idk search it on line....

  8. By throwing things on the ground/ littering/poluting

    Oh btw i love your girl lol -pokes mine-

  9. Humans cause Global Warming primarily by the use of fossil fuels.

    According to the IPCC reports we must reduce the world wide output of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas to less than one tenth of what that output is today.

    That means that world wide, the use of gasoline and diesel fuels mut be outlawed.

    The use of heating oil must be outlawed.

    The use of fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas for the generation of electricity must be outlawed.

    The use of all coal and natural gas for any purpose must be outlawed.

    The ban must be world wide with no exceptions.

    If we are not willing to do that, we have no hope of stopping the man made comnponent of Global Warming.

  10. The Earth has always had cycles of hot and cold.  We were in the middle of an Ice Age only 10,000 years ago. The glaciers are remnants of the Ice Age that are still receding.  It is a natural cycle.

    But- it sells newspapers, magazines, and books like Al Bore's 'Inconvenient Truth.'

    To really get a good read, and get some valid research that you do not hear about in the media, buy Michael Crichton's book, 'State of Fear.'  Great novel but he has about 30 pages of bibliography in back, he did lots of research on the topic of global warming.

    The premise of the book is how organizations build this up to get power, money, and prestige by keeping everyone in a state of fear!

  11. It's a hoax.

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