
How are we expected to integrate and embrace multiculturalism?

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When, we cant even get on with each other in the four nations of Britain,if all four had Independence and their own armys we would be back to the dark ages fighting each other,




  1. That's a very keen observation.  I wonder that every day.

  2. You are so right, look how the Scots dislike the English.

  3. Majoritys do not seem to count anymore in Britain

  4. at least the conflict would keep the immigrants away!!!!gmmff...sorry Corky....couldnt resist it.

  5. I remember my mum saying to my brother and me "No wonder nations are always at war if a brother and sister can't be friends for more than 5 minutes at a time"

    Give the four nations of Britain a common enemy and they get along just fine!! - Human nature I'm afraid!!

  6. ...And that's bad?

  7. Of course we are expected to embrace multiculturism, remember tolerance is a one-way street.

  8. Heaven knows how they will sort this one out!!One thing is for sure!!Gordon Brown has not got the brains to sort it out!!

  9. Your not expected. Your forced to untergrate by England. So till that changers, you just have to put up with the consequences.

  10. The two are a contradiction. The way to start on multiculturalism could be to combine the three branches of The Sky God which are Judaism.,Christianity, Islam.

    The reason is so people can quit pretending each are different and attacking each other. This would improve things beyond what either The Dark Ages or The Medievael Ages had. The next step could be to adopt a Universalist Outlook which would include worshipp of Greed held separate from state and there would be as always room for Atheism

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