
How are we going to kill Nibiru and the alien master race?

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Should NASA start firing nukes at it?

How are we going to see a planet so obviously cloaked in an invisibility shield?




  1.   We'll sic ET on them.


  3. All craft are of human origin... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology appears centuries ahead of that of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    Type III ‘aliens' and fake ‘messiahs’ just in time for 2012! After years of conditioning, many will be fooled...


    Later, ask yourself how we knew all this in advance:

    2 Thessaloinians 2:10-13

  4. Capture Global warming and fire it at them

  5. We already know how the modern legend of the fictitious planet Nibiru began:  first Sumerian texts, an eager translator with a vivid imagination.

    Now that we have lots of practice translating Sumerian texts, we know that the name Nibiru actually meant the planet we call Jupiter.  It ain't shielded, it ain't cloaked, it is plainly visible and it ain't coming this way.  Not now, not in 2012, not even in the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive...

    Even the translator (who apparently still believes the legend he created), is fed up to see how "his" fictitious planet has been hijacked and forced to participate in the Big 2012 Hoax Off.

    According to him, the next return would not be before 2085.

    Probably because the charlatans who are using it (they are selling a book about it) had already used Nibiru on previous "predictions" of the end-of-the-world.

    The latest end-of-the-world by Nibiru was in 2003, and I really tricked them:  I survived it without buying their book on how to survive it.

    Not bad.  I intend to also not buy the present book, which is a "revised" version of the earlier end-of-the-world book.

  6. There is no proof of aliens.

  7. You fools...

    It's pretty obvious that when the aliens come, they will swiftly enslave all of humanity.  There nothing we can do about it, they have far greater technology then us, far greater numbers than us, and they have spent the last 5 billion years busily preparing for that day.  Your best bet is to surrender outright and try to help them.  maybe they'll go easy on you and give you less than completely degrading slave labor.


  8. My plan is to ignore them to death.

  9. Yes, lets waste millions of dollars firing rockets at an imaginary planet. And people complain their tax dollars are going to research on real space objects...

  10. Easy, we will use the US government's secret vortex pulse antimatter cannons. Which they stole from the Russians. Who got them by reverse engeneering the craft that blew up at Tunguska.

  11. These aliens questions are asked 10000000000 times a day!

  12. What? I don't think I've heard this conspiracy theory...

  13. How can it be "obviously" cloaked... if we can't see it?

    No worries though, we can always send up Bruce Willis, Steve Buscemi, and the rest of the Armageddon Gang to make a miracle.

  14. Since Nibiru is hypothetical (meaning it doesn't exist) and there is no scientific evidence to suggest it could even remotely exist, firing nukes at nothing seems like just a complete waste of money.

    Even if a planet was cloaked in an invisibility shield, the effect of its gravity would still be apparent in our solar system.  And there is no evidence of any kind (and scientists have been looking for years) that it is out there.

    But lets just say it does exist and is completely cloaked from detection by infrared, gravitation, the lensing of distant objects by its gravitation, and all other forms of sensors.

    How could we fire a nuke at it if we don't know where it might be?  

  15. Aliens are a hoax! Wake up people!

  16. OH BOY! another version of the Planet X HOAX!

    This thing just will not die a natural death! It's a complete and total internet hoax.

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