
How are we here?

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How is it that one race, the humans, could just come up, take over our world,cultivate other "lesser species" and use them to our advantage, create massive cities, burn said cities, llearn how to read and write, and become human?




  1. It started with a bang. The "Big Bang", to be exact. Fast forward a few billion years and Earth has formed as planet, covered in water. Organisms begin to form n the water. Billions more years later, primates (apes) walk the Earth. These apes evolved into what we are today-- a species that is physically weak, but excessivlely more intelligent than anything else on the planet. In fact, we're so smart that we can ultivate other "lesser species" and use them to our advantage, create massive cities, burn said cities, llearn how to read and write, etc.

  2. it does seem like we just popped up one day huh.  maybe we did. maybe someone just put us here, and we created our own history...........................we all question our lives and why we are this point in my life i no longer question it, i just go where the journey takes me............ you still must be young.................

  3. If it can be imagined,it can be,that's the nature of this anarchic dream state we are stuck in.

  4. well: when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much......

    and when a daddy and several mommys love each other very much.........  well one of them should be smart enough to think of things like making citys and so on

  5. Evolution by natural selection. How else?

  6. Natural selection "selected" those with larger brains over time, allowing us the brain power to do all of the above...of course, we were already human long before we did any of those things.

  7. One of two ways, chose the answer that suits you. We got our start either from a mysterious big bang that exploded out of nothing creating something, then life on earth started by the spontaneous generation of a living cell from non living matter in the primordial soup of early earth.

    Or you can chose  the equally mysterious story of creation by God.
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