
How are we losing to Honduras ?

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we way better than Honduras




  1. lucky goal my @$$, that was a great goal by a good player.  

  2. we won thats the point...

    but whats with all these dumbazzes on here? how can you guys be like the stupid comentaristas in telemundo and blame Oswaldo!?!?!? fo real are u people just following what he said??? THAT WAS A GOOD GOAL...if it was Ochoa he wouldnt of stopped it either!!! It could of been Campos, Buffon, Rios, Michel, Chilavert, Tafarel, who ever and they would of never stopped that....P***k yall are as ignorant as that dumbazz on telemundo....

  3. Yo le voy a Mexico, 100% Mexicano.. Pero alguien le tiene que decir a Mexico, que los juegos see ganan en la cancha, y no en papel. Mexico tiene el mejor plantel. Pero Juegan bien flojo, con la excepcion de Guardado. La verdad dudo que Mexico llegue al mundial 2010. No creo que le ganen a Honduras, a Canada ni siquiera a Jamaica en sus respectivas casas. Mexico no pasa, de mi se acuerdan.  

  4. omfg i know wtf im sooo madd!!  in so frustrated i turned it off and went on the internet.   does anyone know what happens if we lose?? we dont go to the world cup???

  5. lucky *** free kick that they got from a dive


  7. Oswaldo Sanchez!  That is your answer.  How is Ochoa not starting? Is he hurt?  I lost alot of respect for Erickson with that move.

    The shot sucked, it was slow and predictable.

  8. Mexico losing huh? is not over after the first guys sure give up easily.

  9. Mexico knew how the player usually takes his free kicks so Oswaldo moved all the way to left, his left, hoping the player would take a shot on the right side so then he could get there and block it. The problem was his dumba** didn't measure the distance so he didn't make it in time. I'd say take out Vela--Guille, Dos Santos--Blanco, and save the 3rd sub.

  10. sven should put blanco and ochoa, ochoa is way better

  11. :( I don' like how everybody hates on Honduras, or any underdog team. Honduras is actually the 3rd best team in the North/Central America region, just behind Mexico. Yeah, they might not be as good as the teams in Europe but they are nonetheless a strong team with great potential and you will see, they will make it to the World Cup, or close to it.

  12. cuz we didnt put ochoa i dont know why his WAY better

  13. oswaldo did messed up

    but ochoa isnt ready yet

  14. cause of the ******* f*g sanchez he sucks balls

  15. Bad luck.

    If this was a basketball game Mexico would be winning by 15-20 points.

    Still a lot of time left.

  16. its all osvaldows fault

    im a chivas fan but he should put ochoa

  17. oswaldo was having a picnic on the other side of the post

    he was so slow

    but pavel saves he day

    what happened to the "aztecaso" i want a catracho to answer that

  18. sometimes we play bad and sometimes we play good

    still alot of time left

  19. Instead of Temo Temo we should start screaming Ochoa Ochoa!!!

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