
How are we responsible for global warming if cavemen lived in an ice age era?

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then the ice melted and they lived in an environment that was perfect for growing and harvesting foods? what caused all that ice to melt? did the cavemen breathe to much? did their fire burn the ozone? come on people it is so friggin obvious that global warming is a naturally ocurring event!




  1. Yes its natural but we are speeding it along faster than it naturally would be.

  2. Scientists have never said we are not in a warming trend.  What they have said is that the byproducts of modern living, most notably CO2 and Methane are warming the planet faster than it otherwise would.  This could potentially have catastrophic consequences, quickly.

    I think you will see this shortly.

  3. oh my, you're right.  and so smart.

    way smarter than all those PhD type guys that have been studying the climate for 20 years.

    maybe you ought to apply to the bush white house, and liberty university, and get your degree, and replace all the not-to-bright people that are claiming that people are, in some way connected to the supposed warming that's going on, but really is not.

    i might suggest that you hurry, however.

    you've only got 10 months left.

    after that, someone else'll be in the white house, who might not recognize just how brilliant you are.

  4. this is a good point global warming is a natural enviomental event in our worlds cycle just like winter to summer the planet changes

    Yes its natural but we are speeding it along faster than it naturally would be.

    this is the normal responce from someone who does not get it there where lusch forestes 1000000 years ago in the artic now ice and in another 1000000 years it probley will be that way again the world turns and changes every time it does go with the flow

  5. We warmed out of the Ice Age because of an increase in solar radiation, known as a Milankovic cycle.

    How do we know it's not that now?  Pretty simple, we measure the Sun.  Solar radiation has actually been decreasing for years.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

    It's darn obvious to these guys that it's mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  6. It is, but we are accelerating it. This kind of temperatures were predicted in 1000 years from now, and it is happening now. We make everything pollute faster. The last ice age was when the last glacial stone in North America was melting, and the cold water got in the Ocean Transmitter waters, and the pump shut down. that was the cause of that ice age. Great Lakes of North America are remainings of that large ice stone.

  7. we  may be responsible for everything

    please see my previous answer

  8. Maybe poking holes in the atmosphere to travel to space could have something to do with it.

    LOL - just a thought.

  9. It is naturally occurring. It's all a money scheme.

  10. Don't ask such questions!

    But of course you are right.  It's primarilly the sun, secondarilly the magnetic fields that protect our atmosphere, and thirdly oceanic bacteria.  And we are significantly WAYYYYY down the list of having any noticeable effect whatsoever.

    People who believe in global warming caused by man show their obvious ignorance of the earth's violent and poisonous history.  

    We are but a pixel on a stadium screen, if that screen was a thousand times larger than the biggest screen in existence today and the pixels were as small as the ones on your desktop monitor.

    All the rest of those pixels are largely made up of bacteria and viruses, the TRUE tops of the food chain, the TRUE masters of the univese, and the creatures who have been controlling and regulating this atmosphere for BILLIONS OF YEARS and exist or have existed on virtually every single planet in the universe.

    THEY are the truely superior life forms.  We are just the cows on their farm.

    People just want to feel special.  They can't accept that, when it comes down to it, we're really only alive for 90-100 years each, and then, poof, we're dead and gone forever.  This reality is absolutely FREAKING OUT the baby boomers, who thought they were so special that they would be granted eternal life.  So boomers, like Al Gore, are desperately trying to feel special, to feel important, to feel like they are making a difference.

    Sorry Al.  You're not.  Just like everyone else, you're basically just more food for worms.

  11. well the ice age started because every something years earth's path (around the sun) changes so when it returns to it's old path of course the ice is going to melt. but that's not when "global warming" started, my guess is it's all the pollution from cars and factories and what not that's causing global warming. like you said before cavemen lived in a fine environment but they didn't have cars or factories

  12. Global warming does occur naturally, but the current increase in warmth is not natural.

    Ice ages, and inter-glacial periods, are triggered by small changes in Earth's orbit called Milankovitch cycles, or "orbital forcing." Since Earth's orbit can be computed for thousands of years into the past and future, we know that orbital forcing peaked 6000 years ago, and has been slowly cooling the planet since then. Here's the science:

  13. You're saying that because the climate can change naturally, all climate change must be natural.

    By that logic, because forest fires can happen naturally, humans can't cause forest fires.  Then how do you explain Smokey the Bear?


    Seriously though, believe it or not, scientists are aware that climate has changed in the past without human intervention, yet the evidence shows that humans are the primary cause of the current warming.

  14. basically bro...its happening right now as it did then...just a lot living things had time to evolve(yeah i said it) and adapt to the climate changes. Now if California was an average of 80degrees the last couple of years and then jumped to 110 degrees and only kept rising the next year...then you can see the problem if it continued on for another 10-20 years

  15. Yep, for millions of years, the earth climate has varied. We have gone from much warmer (no glaciers) to much colder (about half the earth covered in glaciers) . But, now, for some reason, we are the cause of every small temperature variation. It is obviously natural. But then, how would the left justify taxing people for CO2 emissions if it can not be blamed on us?

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