
How are we superior to everything else on earth?

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I mean, people say that we are better than every other animal on the planet. I mean yeah, we're superior in brains but that's it. If you took on a lion without any guns who do you think would win?

If you took on a wolf with no weapons who will win? Human's evolved to have large brains while other animals evolved to be faster, stronger, more agile, etc.

Also I think hunters are wusses and they should do what every other thing has to do to get food, with their bare hands! Opinions?




  1. it is because we have this intelligence and free will...

    hope it helps!

  2. 'WE' aren't superiors to any other animal on earth, actually.  

    Our EGO is, tho.

      The truth is, 'all' life is just 'spirit' expressing it's diversity in a myriad of variations.  

    We just seem unique in that we are an expression of a different 'intellectual' dynamic, and are aware of that detention.

    Some day earthlings will find out 'life' is abundant and flourishing beyond this earthly globe, and realize just how insignificant humanity is in the greater scheme of things out there...

    ...assuming our ego doesn't eradicate us from existence prior too then, of course.

      That we DO have an advantage of sorts over other animals, does not mean we need be neglect-full of our advantages.  As hunters we excel, and i cant imagine regressing to stone techniques just because rabbits are furry and cute.

  3. Humans took the path of Intelligence thats why.Now let me answer your question with a question.But what if we did take on lion or wolf with a gun??We might not have sharp teeth or sharp claws but we have complex brains allowing us to make complex tools(guns weps ect.).Others have claws, sharp teeth, great hearing, great eye sight ect. while our smarts allow us guns, weapons ect.

  4. the difference between man and other animals is intelligence. As you said,would you ever walk in front of a lion with bare hands?  

    since you already know that a lion is faster, stronger and more agile, you would carry a gun for self protection. The lion is not endowed with the same intelligence as you are. It can never ever think of walking with a gun infront of a man.

    Man's power of brain exceeds than that of the strength that other animals have over us.

    Offcourse human body is less stronger when compared to lion. Even early man used fire,sticks and stones to protect himself from the wild animals. You never hear of early men fighting with bare hands with a lion or a wolf.

    Who endowed the early man with this common sense ? Its the nature.

    Who wins ? If you ask me, ultimately its knowledge and common sense that win. Not just brutal power.

  5. We are superior to everything else on earth but not in every way but we are superior because we can think and build and create as long as we have something other species dont. The intelligence to do everything we do today and that is why we are superior but still not in everyway.

  6. We have superior brains and hands as well. Only we can build great cities, cars spaceships, guns, etc., etc. We don't have to fight lions without guns. An average lion is very strong and has sharp claws and teeth, so it'd be hard for a man to fight one with his bare hands, but there's no reason to do that when we have guns. Lions would use guns too if they could make them and use them, but they can do neither. There are men who can beat wolves but not adult male lions of normal size. My room mate's boyfriend is a giant strongman and martial artist. He could beat a wolf for sure. Again, hunters need not fight wild beasts with their bare hands. Karate expert Mas Oyama killed bulls with his bare hands. Do you believe he was a 'wuss", whatever that is? I'm from Italy, so I haven't learned every slang word in English. It's derogatory I can say. You sound like you've been influenced by PETA. That group is made up of harmful mindless fanatics.

  7. superior no, that's a loaded term. different yes. do we have the power to use them for food and for testing, and to abuse them? of course. do we have the power to exterminate many or most? possibly....but consider, if we were to leave earth or to die off, they'd be fine. if we were here to see them die off, we would too.

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