
How are white Zimbabwean cricketers treated in Zimbabwe?

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I keep reading about white farmers beaten up so is it possible to be treated well if you are white?




  1. Not very nicely, I believe ...

  2. May well depend on who they vote for, not a healthy place to be whatever colour you are.

  3. It is obvious none of the people who have answered have lived in Zimbabwe. Firstly, the papers u r reading about white farmers being beaten are out of date.Secondly, white people were never beaten randomly for being white. they were beaten for occupying valuable land that the war veterans wanted. Thirdly, all cricketers in zimbabwe are treated badly, whether they are black or white. Many of the black players have also left zimbabwe to play cricket elsewhere for better contracts and actually getting paid their salaries.

    Honestly though, noone in Zimbabwe cares if u are white, as long as you keep out of politics, the same goes for black people. just keep out of politics and u will be safe.

  4. well i was coached by a white zimbabwean (Gavin Erwing) and he told me that he was forced out of the country because of his colour. but he said its a shame as there are so many talented white cricketers that lived in zimbabwe that have just had there oppertunitys taken away from them

  5. No idea

  6. They are beaten up badly.

  7. I agree with you. The whites are treated badly in cricket not only in zimbabwe but also in south africa,

  8. treated well by most people except the government and supporters who beat up anything without a gun..

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