
How are women shown as pregnant...i mean how is their belly shown..........

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how is the woman belly shown in movies?




  1. if the movie is showing the actually stomach... not clothed they probably use similar techniques when adding fake noses and stuff, make-up and latex and masks

  2. through pillows & some other fillin stufff..........they can also bringin real pregnants....y r u trying 2 fool anyone?

  3. If you want to make others know that u r pregnant, the easy way is to become pregnant. Otherwise if they come to know that u r not pregnant, they think that u had lied to them and the image about u will be gone. So try to become pregnant. My best wishes...

  4. Round pillows,i suppose.I really dunno.But why do you wanna know this.Interested in directing?

  5. There are body suits or body padding that can be worn by actresses to give the impression of being pregnant if they are not (and often they aren't, or aren't as big as their character appears to be).

    Close ups of a pregnant woman's uncovered belly in movies may be a picture of the belly of a pregnant body double.

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