
How are you feeling today and why do you think you feel like this?

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I have been feeling really really lonely today and i cannot figure out why!




  1. I am both upset and angry after reading some of the anti-Jewish and anti-Ismaili comments posted on this web site. When will these people ever learn the common rule of courtesy to others?

  2. Sleep

  3. good

    but plz dont feel lonely if nobody is wid u then Allah is wid u so be happy  

  4. I'm sorry you are feeling this way and I hope by now you may be feeling better...I am feeling pretty good today cuz I have the weekend off  after working 12 days straight...things could always be better, but I am a patient person..and i hope for the best.........

  5. Tired, just got back from a fishing trip. Was up at 5 in the morning.  

  6. I feel ok, I am trying to figure out what movie i want to watch. I don't know why i feel ok, i just do.

  7. i think u need to get married ( find a hot sunni like me)

  8. Tired.

    I had a hectic few days.

  9. tired, lonely, bored, depressed and thinking of my grandma RIP  

  10. I feel 'blah' and I know why but am not sharing :P

  11. i am feeling a bit upset with myself bcoz i got a Arabic Language test after about 4 1/2 latter and i'have been lazy for memorizing my vocabs.

    Don't feel lonly sister, Allah is with you. u might want to listen to the nasheed by zain bhika named "Allah knows" and watch Quran recitaions and Duas on YouTube, they really make my heart melt and feel @ peace. and make me wanting to do more to be closer to Allah. :)

    or sister u may want to read this dua:

    La illaha illa anta, subhanka ini kuntu minaz zolimeen


    this dua is to be read when one is sad, and it really makes me feel better. May Allah heal you with this as well---Ameen.

    u r never alone sister Allah is with u and also be in more in my company of muslim sisters if u can.

    All the best

    May Allah heal you.

  12. your today or my today

  13. Awww don't be lonely, I'll be your friend! I've been feeling optimistic because yesterday I spoke again to a guy I like (went on a few dates and I had to move away, but he's moving nearer to me next month so hopefully I'll see him again).

  14. Ditto. Had a blazing row with my boyfriend. Going to have some wine and hopefully tomorrow will bring glad tidings.

  15. i am feeling cool,you don't need to feel lonely im here for you *hugs*

    everything will be ok,i will bring you some icecream we can have a good chat,and laugh,see you smiling again :)

  16. excited and happy cuz im going to a wedding tomorrow lol

  17. i feel like i'm in pain right now and why well cuz I'm sick and i worked so much today i feel like i'm going to faint

  18. I felt horrible today. I'm not gonna say why. I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was cleared up later on though.  

  19. My heads pounding, because I was on the computer all day. Plus I am dehydrated, you know how ur suppose to drink 8 glasses a day, i only had half a glass and its getting time to be for maghrib. I am also sad because my aunt is leaving to Australia for 3 months :( I am really use to her. I am also frusturated cause i have a buttload of AP hw that all my friends have started and I havent.

    So ya..this is my little diary moment of the day.


  20. kinda nervous..cuz tomorrows my

    birthday n my dad's throwing me big party..

    i like parties but..*sigh*..i'll have to

    hang out wit my aunts..

    im not really a good host.

  21. I'm in physical pain.  I don't know why.

  22. i feel a little upset n lonely

    too many reasons, which

    i'd rather not talk about

    i hope u feel better =)

  23. allah is with me ,allah use me for his work of deen hamdulilah. may allah continue to take work of deen from us. purify our heart to receive the noor of allah .

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