
How are you going to call Obama inexperienced when...?

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McCain's vp pick is more inexperienced than him? Sarah Palin was only governor for one term. Obama was higher than being governor. He's a United States senator. Plus McCain thinks women are lesser and shouldn't get equal pay. Why did he all of a sudden choose a woman to be his vp? Wow McCain. Hypocritical much?




  1. You are wrong in so many ways. First of all where did you get that McCain thinks women are lesser and shouldn't get equal pay? You have nothing to back that up. Also, I would rather have an inexperienced VP than president. Lastly, a Governor runs a state and a U.S. Senator runs nothing.  

  2. I hear ya, Baby J...I been sayin' that all day!

  3. Are you serious? I would rather have an "inexperienced" vice president with an experienced president, than an inexperienced president with an experienced vice-president. Secondly being a governor is harder than being in the senate.

  4. Obama....experienced? well....I flew on a 747 I guess I'm an experienced pilot! Obama has only been a senator...and only for 143 days once he decided to run for presidency! Obama doesn't know his head from a hole in the ground when it comes to being my Commander in Chief.....I'm a military member....I'd much rather have a well seasoned experienced man, such as McCain, who has over 20yrs experience compared to Obama's outstanding 143 days! McCain also knows a little bit about the military....since he spent many yrs as a POW! he served our country and almost gave the ultimate sacrifice while doing it! That is a man I want to serve and respect. as far as a leader goes....Obama is a good speaker....but he'll have to ask his mom and granny about what to do! McCain can use his experience and political network to solve real situations! McCain is fair, balanced, and Liberal.....a celebrity.....well...thats all he's got! No chance no comparison between the two.....Hear this from a soldier keeping your sweet self safe here at home..."McCain is the Man"! the VP woman as well! Good day!

  5. McCain just shot himself in the leg with that VP choice.

    Just lost his main attack at Obama.

  6. Exactly my thoughts too, Mary J.  I agree with you 100%.

  7. As governor, Palin has of course more public service experience than Obama...(shame on you, you don't know what is a governor).

    She has more real accomplishment, experience and qualification than Obama...And Obama wants to president...

    She has been an elected official for 16 years.

    She also served some time heading the Oil and Gas commission.

    Alaska's government is not "small." Being the largest (land) state in the country with huge natural resources, it's more complex and demanding than being Governor of any other state.

    Think twice before opening your mouth.

  8. I would rather have inexperience in a vp than a president

  9. Sarah Palin has more political experience than Barack Obama, SORRY.

    Governor/president is a much better choice than senator/president - that's why most of our presidents were former governors.

    Oh, yeah. She's not running for president. So I guess that means McCain's VP candidate has more experience than Obama - the candidate for president. LOL!

  10. You have got to be kidding!

    Obama has NO executive or military experience.

    \Palin does - she is commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard, Governor of a state, and has dealt with foreign relations every day!

    Remember, Alaska is the ONLY state bordered on ALL sides by foreign nations.

    Palin has the experience, Obama does NOT!

    Furthermore, she has ALL of the credentials that Bill Clinton had when he was first elected, and I was under the impression that liberals view him as something of a legend!

  11. EXECUTIVE experience as a governor and mayor trumps 143 days as "The most Liberal Senator".

    The funny part is, you Obama supporters don't get the irony of your comparing the experience of your Presidential candidate to that of the republican RUNNING MATE!

    Lib Losers!

  12. I completely agree--- there is no way now that the McCain camp can say ANYTHING about Obama's lack of experience.  Sarah Palin has only been governor for 2 years- and was only mayor of a small town for 4 years prior to this.

    In addition, she is extremely pro-life, which should be a turn off to some women.  I firmly believe that if McCain wins, they will try to overturn Roe V. Wade... thus setting women back decades- and making unsafe abortions more likely.  Scary.

    Ooo-- and for those of you saying that they'd rather have an inexperienced VP than an inexperienced Pres, remember, if Obama is ok, he is backed up by a man with lots of experience, if something happens to him, we are being run by someone with lots of experience.  Now, McCain, if he becomes president and nothing happens to him, sure, there's someone with experience at the helm.  If something happens to him (ahem... have you seen him), then we have only one person- with little experience leading the country... think on that....

  13. Isn't it obvious? IMO McCain needed a minority to keep up with Obama.

    LOL 8 thumbs down?? That's a new personal record! pride is showing.

  14. Better check your facts again. Palin has much more experience than Obama. Obama hasn't had one bit of executive experience...he was only a community organizer...whatever that is.

  15. Well it makes sense to me to have the one with experience running for the top job, and someone that shares their views but doesn't have quite the resume' being the VP. Let's see, yes that's what the GOP has. Now let's check the Dem's, Hmmm. something funny about this, their pick for the top job has zero leadership experience, and their VP has all the experience but completely disagrees with the guy they are running for President, wow, how does that make sense?

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