
How are you going to celebrate Thatcher,s death.?

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It can't be long now! I layed down a bottle of champagne in the 80's.




  1. I'm saving the celebrations for when Tony goes. Or Prescott, or Mandelson, I'm not fussy.

  2. You aren't worth my time.  2 points.

  3. I don't celebrate peoples' deaths. I celebrate their lives, or I ignore them.

  4. i wasn't in the UK when she was PM but with somber reflection cause she served her country and was a decent lady

  5. I will mourn her death. I'm an American who has great respect for her. When the roof of the British realm was near collapse, and things needed to be sorted out in the house below, it was providential that Great Britain had a "Thatcher" to do the job.

  6. Regan and Thatcher were they lover? ☺ Some really stupid answers on this. That Thatcher saved the UK from the Soviets pure c**p!

  7. My Irish friends and I are gonna put away a case of Guinness  ;)

  8. You can probably celebrate by looking in the mirror and thanking God that you had a leader like Thatcher who had the guts to save your sorry a$s from the Soviet threat.

    The world is a much safer place because Margaret Thatcher; along with Reagan, John Paul II and Mulroney had the guts to stand up to the Soviets.

    I am an American and I know good and well that Margaret Thatcher helped saved the world.

    I wish we could clone her; give her American citizenship. I bet she would not cower from terrorists.

  9. you little pissant, M. Thatcher did well for England!

    If it werent, great women and men like her and Ronald Reagan then your sorry pathetic ignorant butt would be speakin a language of Russian descent!

    you are a t**d get flushed!

  10. ill play "i am a one in ten"by ub40 then sing "ghost town"lol

  11. We had a little impromptu party when the tories finally got rid of her, but the end of her days does seem to merit something special.  Not just champagne, but French champagne I think, and some lovely smelly French cheeses.  Dutch chocolate - from Maastricht perhaps ?  And German saurkraut, anything Italian - all their food is good.  Spanish peaches, Portugese grapes and oranges...

    If I ever ate junk food, could boycott McDonald's, KFC, coke and other US fat food - er, fast food, I mean.  

    Thatcher hated Europe passionately, and tied us to the US with their stupid wars and theiving ninjas (no income, no jobs, no assets) who have taken our money and run (as fast as their fat butts will allow) and landed the rest of the world with their sub-prime debts.  So by eating delicious, healthy European food and wine, and boycotting the junk, we can p**s her off and do ourselves a bit of good at the same time.

  12. your sick

  13. You reap what you sew, mate. Have you a sad miserable life?

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