
How are you supposed to act on a break from your relationship with a scorpio??

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how are you supposed to act on a break from your relationship with a scorpio??

my boyfriend (scorpio) told me today that he thinks we should be on a break..

he said because he doent think that he could be the best boyfriend right now

but that he still loves me alot

and i have no idea how im supposed to act, i have never been on a break before.

why would a scorpio act this way?

im a cancer, btw




  1. There is no right and wrong way to act. You just have to go with your heart and head.

    scorpios tend to have a very erractic personnality, and canceriens tend to be organised and like things to be settled in their life.

    Its a shame that he wants a break, but you need commitment of some sort so you are best just agreeing to the break and see what happens.

    If you agree to it then you will know, for sure, just whether the relationship will go anyway or not because if he really wants to be with you he will come back. Better to know now than later in life.

    Good Luck.  

  2. Let me give you true advice on being in a break. Its not a negative thing, it actually can be a very positive thing for your relationship. Honor the break, just go back to being friends. That is how you handle it. I know plenty of married people who took a break and it made their relationship stronger.

    I know its hard to hear that I'm a Cancer myself. But my boyfriend who is also a Cancer and I took a break acouple of years back, and it was the best thing that happened. We didn't talk to eachother as much (that was so hard for me because I was so used to talking to him everyday) but it gave us a chance to get things together in our lives and we just fell back into each other after a couple of months. There was no situations of another woman or man we just needed to take care of business.

    Talk to him about it. You'll  be okay.  

  3. Give him some space, no matter what star sign he is.  You can't believe in that drivvel or let it rule your life.

  4. Ouch, I feel you my fellow Cancerian.  If a man asks for a break, it is never a good thing. If he loves you a lot, why would he want to spend time away from you? It doesn't make any sense. As a Cancer myself, I can understand your wanting to look at the words "I still love you a lot" and hold on to those while disregarding everything else. However, as an experienced person I must tell you this: Ignore whatever he says, and pay attention to everything he DOES. My guess is that there is another person that has peaked his interest which is why he can't be with you right now. Scorpio men in love do not stray from their love---they are possessive bordering on obsessive.  I hate to say it, but he is feeding you a line of bull.  Use your intuition, and don't ACT at all. Say what is on your mind and in your heart. He may be playing a game to test your loyalty to him, but if that's the case then he is a jerk for hurting a sensitive soul such as yours.then he is a cad and HE is the one that isn't worth it!

  5. Boys ask for a break when they are not ready to commit. I suggest that you look for a new boyfriend.

  6. I don't care what sign you are .... he's on the prowl !  Start looking for another boyfriend.  "Breaking up is hard to do" and some people can't verbalize that the relationship is not working.  Perhaps some time apart would do both good and give you the opportunity to see what else is in the playing field.

    from a scorpio woman

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