
How are you supposed to address a gender-bender person in everyday situations?

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As if there is not already enough confusion in the world, some straight people purposely choose not to conform to the rules of their gender. E.g. Skinny, flat-chested girls, with short hair, wearing pants, and polo sirts. Do you ever feel like purposely messing with them for making things so complicated?




  1. Ask them their name and take it from there.

  2. Well, I generally address most people with something like "Hello" or "How are you today?"

    And to answer your question: No, I don't ever feel like deliberately mocking strangers who have not done anything to me or anybody else. But I am an actual tough guy, so I don't have that bullying impulse so many candy asses seem to have.

  3. How do you know these are straight people?  Maybe they're g*y.

    And no, I don't feeling like purposely messing with people because of the way they dress.  I'm just not that flustered by other people's gender performances.

  4. People should be allowed to dress as they wish.  They dress for fashion and for their individuality.  Assuming it's a gender bender issue is your problem.

  5. How about addressing them as they appear? They will be pleased..

  6. I wasn't aware that there were any "rules" of gender, men and women can dress whatever way they like.

    Not to sound rude, but its  none of your business(or anyone elses for that matter) how others dress or act.

    You address them as "sir" or "madam", depending on their gender.

    If "gender-benders" are confusing  you that much then just avoid them, why would you be addressing strangers anyway, unless you wanted to ask them something?

  7. why are you obsessing about inconsequential matters? If a skinny girl with small b*****s and short hair wears a polo shirt, why should it matter to you? Society has far too many "rules" of dress for people. A long time ago, men wore tights. Now it's considered unmanly. I recently read of a celebrity (male) who wears a bra for reasons of comfort. So what? Why should everyone conform to your standards? If you don't like the way they look, move on.

  8. 1) Gender benders are disrespected all the time and sometimes beaten up or even killed. They don't need you to make things worse.

    2) s*x and gender are two different things. Some of those girls *are* dressing according to their gender.

    3) Trust me, you don't want to see my scrawny chest in anything low-cut.

  9. you should address them by their name, and refrain to mess with people, based on your desire to have everyone fit into a neat little box or package/ or need for conformity to societal rules.

    there is nothing confusing about individuality

  10. I am a skinny, flat-chested girl who with short hair who loves pants & polo shirts. Get over it; I'm not making your life any more difficult. For the record, I just laugh at people who mess with me for who I am because it just proves what mental midgets they are.

  11. skirt man

  12. I calls 'em like I sees 'em. If it's a man, I'm calling him 'sir.' I don't care if he's in a dress or not.

  13. Treat them with the same respect that you'd give to any human being who is nice to you....  Who died and left anybody in charge of enforcing these STUPID man-made gender rules?  I dress and look just how I please and I would be the first to put some jerk in place if they don't like what they see.   People are just being themselves, the way that comes natural to them,.  That's not a reason to "mess with them."    If you try it, don't be shocked if you find yourself knocked to  the ground.  I have seen it and I have done it.

  14. They would be offended with that too don't you know?

  15. I treat them with the courtesy and respect that all people deserve.  I'm not one to judge.  I feel people can be who they are, even if that doesn't conform to what the majority call "normal."

  16. I honestly don't care either way. Their life doesn't interfere with the daily things in my life. If I meet them on the street or in the grocery store, I smile and continue my day with casual indifference to them and what gender roles they choose or don't choose.

  17. The idea of gender being complicated is based on the idea that gender is defined by fashion.  I find no complications whatsoever judging a person's gender.

    Secondly, I have to wear polo shirts and khaki's for my job.  Does this mean you can tease me because I cut my hair as well?  No.  This means if you tease me over my uniform, I'll tease you for not having a job.

  18. Yeah,d**n those skinny flat chested girls!  You know what they're wearing is ALL about you Ronnie.  Because everything everyone does is just part of a plot to mess with you (including,apparently, having small b*****s?)

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