
How are you supposed to clean out your ears???

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Ok, so everyone in the world is happy to tell us how NOT to clean out our ears ("Don't use cotton tips") so I just wondered how you're supposed to do it? I spent my whole life cleaning with cotton tips, then was told I shouldn't, so I stopped and as a result I am repeatedly suffering from ear infections!

Please help!




  1. Your ears should clean themselves, the reason we get ear wax is to stop any foreign objects getting into them, but as we sleep etc ears should self clean... I personally use ear buds as I hate seening ppl with ear wax lol , Just becareful if your going to go back to using them.

  2. i use ear candles twice a year....and i do it stratigically at the times when i most commony get spring allergies or a winter bug..... you can google this but most natural stores have ear candles for sale that have detailed instructions! it works great!!!

    as for daily treatment i use q-tips on the outter ear.....then dip a qtip in peroxide and gently swab the inner part....(it breaks up and cleans whats left)

    they also sell drops but if you read the ingredients its usually peroxide and tea tree oil both of which are in my cubbord anyways so why spend $12 on drops.....know what i mean?

  3. Audiclean ear spray is a good way to keep your ear clean and free from infection

  4. You are not supposed to do it yourself. Consult an ENT doctor and follow his/her advice. I dont think superficial cleaning with sterilised cotton buds will stop your repeated ear infections. The cause of the infection should be properly evaluated and treated. And thats a professional job.

    Please dont neglect your ear because it can cause serious trouble.  

  5. My ear specialist told me 'the only thing you can put in your ear is your elbow' - I said it won't fit - he said exactly!

    He said your ears clean themselves simply by talking!

  6. There is some ear wax removal kit that you can get at Wal Mart.  You just put it in your ear, let it sit, then it will drain out the wax and clean your inner ear.

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