
How are you supposed to look at an eclipse?

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I know you're supposed to use some device of some sort. do you make it at home or buy it? if you buy it how much and where?




  1. your probably talking about a solar eclipse.........


    poke a hole in card board with a needle

    hold the cardboard up and cast its shadow onto flat ground

    the sun will shine through the hole and you can see the shadow of the moon in it.

    pretty cool, but don't let yahoo fool you.

    I can't believe yahoo put that up on the us/eng page

    on the freaking "front page headline"


    only top part of canada, russia, and a bit of mongolia and china

    enlarge the picture to see in details

  2. You could take out a video camera and look a it through the LCD screen.

  3. A lunar eclipse is 100% safe.

    As for a solar eclipse, there are several safe methods. I assume you're not an astronomy enthusiast.

    Ultimately, the best and safest way is on television. There aren't too many live feeds, unless they occur in the rarer regions, like the USA.

    There's the method of cutting a hole in a box and using a piece of paper beneath the hole to see the shadow. It certainly isn't a spectacular view though.

    Another method is the use of solar filters. These are designed to block out the sun's light. You can also use welders' goggles with a rating of 14 or higher. These are pretty cheap, and can be used for another hobby!

    Never use any of the above devices with binoculars or telescopes!

  4. Here is a website that gives you several ways to view a solar eclipse.

    If you are trying to view the one on August 1st and live in the U.S. dont waste your time. We in the US wont be able to see it.

  5. a lunar eclipse is ok to look at. do not look at a solar eclips. it will burn the retna in your eyes. when i was a kid they said to put a hole in a piece of card board and get another so that the hole reflects on it and you look at the reflection. im sure there are better way now. but please dont look at it with your eyes.

  6. Take a piece of plain transparent glass. Hold it above a lighted candle in the flame. Soot will deposit on the glass.

    Use this smoked glass to view the solar eclipse.

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