
How are you suppost to kiss French people when you greet them?

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Whenever I go to France I have to kiss French woman when I greet them...BUT It's always arkward because I never know how many times to kiss them or how to kiss them or whether to kiss them at all. No-one I know can explain it! Can you? (With Men it's not a problem cause they usually shake my hand)




  1. We hosted two French people a couple of weeks ago and they told us that it varies from place to place. They told us it could be 2, 3 or 4 kisses, depending on the region. They gave 3, but it was weird because they started on the "wrong side".

    Where I live, we always give 2 kisses starting on our right (kissing the left cheek first) but they started on their left. Awkward situation lol.

    When you are introduced to someone, I believe you always should kiss them. When I went to France, I once went to a party and I kissed everyone lol (they asked for 4 kisses!) I was so busy kissing people that I could not remember their names or faces :S.

    And, apparently my friend's grandparents were kind of "insulted" when I did not kiss them in the morning, so after that we kissed each morning and each night.

    I hope I helped, but usually I don't think they will really be angry if you don't know their customs, they will explain it to you :).

  2. It's a double kiss on the cheek. Usually right then left, but I don't think that's a 'thing', I think that part usually just comes most naturally since we are usually right handed. But, ya, double kiss :)

  3. I am French, and I never could figure it out myself. It practically always gets awkward for us too because everybody does it differently depending on the region they are from.

    But you shouldn't worry about it, nobody in France is going to be mad at you if you don't do it right, and on the contrary usually it makes people smile and make fun comments about it like "sorry, where I live it's 4!"

    From what I know, in Paris it is usually 4 kisses.

  4. I have a friend from France and she told me that over there the traditional way of doing is kissing 3 times. Right, left, right. The more popular way is right, left. You greet them with kisses if you are being introduced as a friend or family member, do not kiss women you meet in a 'professional' environment.  

  5. LOL, actually there is no rules, it can be 1, 2, 3, 4 depending on the regions... and the person. You begin with the left in general (it has no importance actually). You take no risk, when you do just 1, especially when you are a foreigner, so don't worry. In the end, you will see if there is not enough, the other will begin the movement. You can then ask "ah! c'est combien?" (How many?) and she will answer something like "c'est X fois chez moi" (it's x time for me).

    The most important thing to know is that you don't kiss when at your workplace except if you know the person quite good, you just shake hand.

  6. men dont kiss, but they do when theyre in the same family. as for girls, some do it only when they're friends, and some others do it to everyone. but dont do it if the girl doesnt try to kiss u. if she doesnt, it means she doesnt know u enough to consider u as a friend. in paris, its 2 times, left then right, in south of france its 2 but beginning from the right, and in some paris suburbs its 4 (beginning from the left) never 3 unlike what someone said.

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