
How are you sure that we came from apes or what evidence you have that we came from apes?

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How are you sure that we came from apes or what evidence you have that we came from apes?




  1. we don't come from apes.  apes and men all come from some common ancestor, perhaps 20MM years ago to cover every possibility.  

    The fossil proof, the soundness of the theory all are beyond question, unless one postulates a creator who decided that it would be great fun to plant a whole bunch of false evidence so we could fight about it.

    to react to the answer that said I am wrong, that we do come from point is still correct.  there is no living ape from which we are descended.  I agree that all living primates descend from some common ancestor and I don't dispute the dates postulated by the disagreer.

  2. Do your own homework.

    Anthropology ain't rocket science.

  3. I am absolutely sure that we did not come from apes (or any ape-like ancestor).

    The idea that man evolved from an ape is completely false, and is laughable.

    It is not supported by any evidence whatsoever.

    All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    Evolution requires the creation of new genetic information. The proposed mechanism is mutations, yet all observed mutations are information neutral or lossy.

    All hominid fossils are clearly ape or clearly human. History is full of frauds and over-enthusiastic claims of anthropologists

    Man was created as man. We are very different to all apes/monkeys and there is no evidence that we evolved at all.

    The evidence does not support he idea that we are evolved from an ape. All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    History is full of frauds and wishful thinking in regard to alleged missing links:

    Piltdown man – fraud

    Java man - a few teeth, and a few skull and bone fragments

    Nebraska man - a pigs tooth

    Australopithecene (Lucy) - portrayed with human like hands and feet despite the fact that it is known to have ape like hands and feet, and to have been a knuckle walker.

    To believe we evolved from an ape requires an awful lot of faith! It flies in the face of the evidence, and of scientific knowledge.

  4. I don't have to be sure I just have to know that this is the best current theory.

    Way better than any magical explanation, that's for sure.

  5. Humans are part of the hominid family. They are both part of and descended from them. The process of this development is called evolution. In brief, this means that new species develop and expand as they are better at dealing with their environment then others. See:

    for a discussion of the evolution process.

    The hominids include humans and the apes. They are part of the family Hominidae, of the order Primate. Humans did not "descend from the apes" We share a common ancestor with them and are considered "cousins." Chimpanzees, our closest relative, share a 99% match in DNA. In protein sequencing, the match is closer, no differences at all.  When man's protein sequencing is compared to gorillas there is only two differences in the match with hemoglobin, red blood cells and amino acids. Lastly the antgen-antibody reaction for humans is 97% from chimpanzees compared to 50% for baboons. In other words we're related. DNA is today used to show how closely people are related (as in determining paternity) and to determine if people were at a crime scene (as a means to determine guilt or innocence). It also is used to determine how long ago species split off from each other.

    That clearly shows we're related to the apes. So much for the 'no evidence" claims..

    Our linage back millions of years is also clear. No red herrings such as "missing links" or creationist generated claims of Java Man or the laughable "Nebraska Man" are relevant.

  6. What do you think hominid fossils are ?


    Fossil and genetic evidence shows that we and the other primates share common ancestry!

  7. There are alot of theories how man was created but sadly we`l never know

  8. There are insertions of ERV mobile elements in *the same position* in humans and apes.

    Transposons insert at random in the DNA. The chance of two separate elements targeting the same location by sheer chance is something like 10^-19 as a back-of-the-envelope calculation. But if the insertion happened in a primordial ancestor from which both humans and apes are derived, then all is explained.

    That, and the human chromosome 2 is the result of a Robertsonian translocation of two simian chromosomes.

    Creationists please offer an alternate explanation for the fact, other than 'God is having a laugh at us.'

    ETA: transposon insertions also have a direction, so that probability is too great by a 50% figure.

  9. I like the person that said we come from fossils. Now, that creates quite an image. Two fossil people trying to reproduce.  Yep, common ancestor is just a fancy way of saying a smart ape type creature maybe had a little less hair and a gleem in its eye.

  10. Population studies, using well-known formulas,  indicate the current world population is about what you would expect if mankind began around 4-6000 years ago taking into account wars, floods, famines, disease, etc...

    If mankind truly existed for hundreds of thousands or millions of years on earth, the current population would exceed the number of atoms in the universe.

    Humans and primates may share some common DNA but the differences amount to millions of individual beneficial mutations that would have to have occurred while even a single beneficial mutation is rare....the vast majority are either harmful or neutral.

  11. Paul is wrong.  We came from apes.  Chimps and humans have a last common ancestor that was an ape.  Chimps humans and gorillas have a last common ancestor that was an ape.  Orangutans, chimps, gorillas, and humans have a last common ancestor that was an ape.  We have all been apes for more than 10,000,000 years.  I digress because I hear that nonsense so often.  

    We have DNA evidence which shows that we had a common ancestor with chimps 5 to 6 million years ago, with gorilla's a couple million years older and with orangutans a couple million years before that.  We can look at the individual genes and compare.

    We also have fossil evidence.  Although the fossil evidence is incomplete, it is consistent with the theory

    You also can compare a human and chimp's physical characteristics.  They seem closely related.  Darwin predicted as much and it turned out that fossil and DNA evidence confirmed it.  

    There is about as much doubt that humans and chimps had a common ancestor is that the earth is not flat.

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