
How are you today?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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How are you today?!?!?




  1. Pissed as h**l, because the person I liked in 3rd grade doesn't remember me for the h**l of em. it's driving me freaken insane!! Or maybe he does but he sure doesn't look like it. Anyways, my day was s.hit, thanks for asking. I had to tell someone oh ya, and now it's 10th grade, i last seen em in 5th grade because we both moved. and he used to like me, so i feel like ****

  2. Fine, thank you. And how are you?

  3. In which language do you want it translated into? :)

  4. Fine thank you, and you?

    I hope you're well!

  5. Fine, thanks. And you?

    You didn't have anything else to do?
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