
How are you today (:?

by  |  earlier

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I just thought i would ask how you are today (:




  1. sucky i am about to cry

  2. I am Spectalcular. Ohmy what a lovely day. hm. it is 5 in the morning, and the paper boy is early. Makes me get all giggly inside. Anyways, i should be headed to bed soon. And then you can ask me this question tomorrow. how bout that?  

  3. it's im sleepy..and Im aggravated because I need to wash my hair and straighten it..and it's a big pain. blah.  

  4. Working through it. Thanks. Hope you are well.  

  5. Great.

    The sun shining down today made me happy.  

    Now, answer one of my questions ;oD

  6. feeling my best but it is foggy out but its calming but i could do without the tv blaring out the song for a baby show my lil bro is watching but I'm happy i have nothing to worry about I'm in love with hayden (best guy ive ever met) (future boyfriend) love his nerdyness lol and we both like to sound Canadian for some reason and in science all we said for like ever was eh and don't ya know lol  

  7. Im fine today! =)

    Im enjoying the day so far. =)

  8. kinda not fine because i always go to school for a long time(7am-4pm) and there are many assignments so i'm kinda tired but i find to do things i want.:(
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