
How are your parents supportive?

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  1. They keep their mouth shut.

  2. When I told my mother that I was g*y, instead of telling me that I just hadn't found the right girl, or that I was a horrible person, or something like that, she gave me a lecture about safe s*x so that no matter who I was with, I would know how to protect myself.  

    That's supportive, methinks.

  3. They're not.

    My mum has a problem with every single thing I do.

  4. They Never Support Me,

    I Work To Buy My Own Stuff, Pay Half A Bill, Half Food, and Half My Sisters Stuff.

    Come On, I Want To Leave.

  5. I get the vibe that they're okay with it, so long as I am single.

    If I was dating though, they wouldn't be unhappy, they just wouldn't be happy, if you know what I mean.

  6. My mum loves me unconditionally for who I am!!

    I am a crossdresser and my mum was the first to know and kept 'my secret' for years and years. She would wash my women's clothes apart from all my families washing and return it privately so the erst of my family would not find out!

    But, now, the rest of my family do know and they're all cool with it.... I realise I am EXTEMELY lucky, though.

    My dad is pretty much the opposite and for that reason he is the only one in my family who doesn't know. (my mum and dad are seperated but I we all still get along and I see my dad often).

    I love my mum!! :D

  7. They wash my 'bullsh!t' down with some liquor.

  8. They help me with my car insurance when I am in College.

    They pay it then in the summer I Re-Pay them

  9. not at all

    my parents are very carefull with money!

    life sucs

  10. they defended my lifestyle when arguing with my ex-gf's mother. gotta love them for that. meant a lot. her parents are total *ssholes.

  11. They support me by brining stuff to my school when i forget stuff.  

  12. My parents are not really supportive, per se, but they don't g*y bash, they don't quote the bible at me, and they let me bring my partners to meet them and they don't treat them differently.

    But we don't talk in depth about anything to do with my relationships. I guess it's as supportive as they can be.

    I know they pray for me not to go to h**l due to being a L*****n but they keep that to themselves, lol.

  13. Physically they feed you and have fed you.  

    Physically they put a roof over your head.  

    Physically they bore you and didnt kill you before birth with abortion

    Mentally they provide their opinions and guideance based on experience, whether you like it or not.

    Mentally they love you whether you chose to see it or not.  

    Shall I go on I have 17000 more.......

  14. my mom is supporite that i am g*y but she does not pay my bills i am 19 and work fulltime so she does not buy clothes for me or pays my bills. my whole family is supporite that i am g*y  

  15. my mom was very supportive

    when i told her she said that she suspected i was g*y but was waiting for me to tell her. she said that she would support me and love me unconditionally because i'm her son and if i ever wanted to talk to her about anything she was ready and willing.

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