
How as an individual you will contribute to reduce global warming?

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preventive measures and safety steps to be taken




  1. Nothing. I'm going to watch the world around me crumble and laugh.

  2. Doesn't matter.  The Sun, not man is the cause of all temperature changes on Earth.

    There is nothing man can do to change the climate one way or the other.

  3. Most scientists agree that humans have little or no effect on the climate, so there's nothing you can do to reduce global warming.

    Educate yourself and you won't fall prey to the global warming hoax or any other hoaxes they want you to fall for.

  4. Put a plug in my cows behind and ride her to work.

  5. So far we have global cooling

    Better wear fur coats.

  6. vote for democrats they take it more seriously

  7. - Sold my car.

    - Ride my bike to local stores.

    - Take a bus and ride a bike to work.

    - Lower my thermostat in Winter

    - Added insulation to my house

    - No air conditioning

    - Purchased efficient appliances

    - Turn off unneeded lights and equipment

    - Avoid using electricity during peak hours when utilities turn to coal fired plants.

    - Left my job at an airline

    - Working in a green industry (a small company)

    - Recycle garbage

    - Purchase used items when possible

    - Avoid purchasing at Wallmart and products that have environmental harming components

    - Minimize eating beef and pork

    - Advocate for "green" candidates

    - Promote the idea of a smaller foot print lifestyle

    - Promote E. F. Schumacher (Small is Beautiful)

    - Try to educate others of the damage caused by globalization (especially changes in China)

    - Try to increase awareness of media propaganda in America

    - Oppose military incursions and occupations. Military is one of the most poluting industries. The US is the biggest arms dealer in the world.

    BB: Global warming is a natural phenomenon. Over the past 650 million years there have been at least three incidents resulting the massive species extinctions (90% of species have expired). These were not the meteor impact events. The problem is that nearly every expert in this field indicates that human activity (release of greenhouse gases) has significantly impacted this phenomenon.

  8. There are plenty of reasons besides the man made global warming hoax to start living more efficiently. Fossil fuels will eventually run out. Man has had a long history of abusing resources. Take, for instance the buffalo. Somehow, though man has been able to compensate for his greed with a wonderfully innovative mind. There's no doubt in my mind, we'll be able to do this again. Maybe we already have. It is not a stretch to me to imagine that there are blueprints locked away somewhere for an incredibly efficient new energy source. There's no doubt in my mind, that big brother will squeeze every drop of oil out of mother earth before this new technology comes to light. There's just too much money in it, and that is in fact what makes the world go round.

  9. I only drive when I really have to.

  10. Global warming..... and Cooling..... are natural phenomena.  

    But if you insist on some sort of an answer......

    'I'm going to paint everything I own....White!!  This will help to reflect heat away from my property'.

  11. Get Politically Active!

    Know your facts (Research)!

    Just some quick ones

    1. Conserve Energy !

    -Walk places close

    -turn off lights

    -use shorter /colder bathing/washer  water

    2. Purchase Energy Efficient products

    -Use reusable grocery bags

    -Florescent Bulbs

    - use HE detergent

    3. Plant trees! They breath CO2 and spit out O2.

    Its all about Consumption reduction and balance. Global Warming is real and natural BUT  it's being accelerated by us from cars to manufacturing to eating meat (I still do).

    it goes on and on

    Check out:

  12. I'll try to f**t less often. And I'll stop cutting the grass in my lawn and let it all grow back into a natural forest; more trees will grow AND they will be able to help soak up all of those nasty green house gasses!

  13. I am converting my car to run partly on HHO. I expect to gain about 25% better mileage, and save myself some money in the process. I will probably go out and buy something stupid like a plasma tv with my savings, just to keep the balance!

  14. well i've taken to throwing my ice cubes out on the lawn at night thought it might help somewhat

  15. Since I'm far from rich, I know I am not a cause of global warming and so by continuing to live my life as I am living it right now, I am contributing to reduce global warming. Poor people all over the world are not causing global warming. I'm nearly poor by the end the month. One of these days when the next moth is late, I am going to be really poor. Rich people cause global warming, and everybody who helps rich people stay rich is a cause of global warming. For example, everyone who goes to movies is causing global warming because they help keep people like Angelina Jolie rich. She is the cause of a lot of global warming because she travels by air so much. She doesn't want to stop gw. Nor do Madonna, Rod Stewart, all the political candidates in America who are criss-crossing the country by air for votes. It's hopeless. We are doomed. Just grab whatever bit of happiness you can, and just hope the planet doesn't destruct while you are alive.  And don't have babies.

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