
How astract gold from the ore by using mecury?

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How astract gold from the ore by using mecury?




  1. Mercury is added to the crushed gold ore, and the tiny specs of gold metal in the ore dissolve in the mercury, but the other minerals in the ore do not. The mercury with the gold dissolved in it is then recovered and heated. The heating evaporates the mercury (which i think was usually re-condensed for re-use) leaving the gold.

    As pointed out though, mercury is highly toxic!

  2. Andrew has it right.

    The result of the process is mercury vapor which is HIGHLY toxic. This process is still in use in many areas where gold is mined by hand from placer deposits (river sediments). The men who dig in the mud run the risk of death from collapsing river banks or pit walls, malaria or other tropical diseases (these mines always seem to be in jungles), local armed thugs and thieves, then top it all off by processing their haul with poison. It's a tough way to make a living.

  3. I don't know, but if you check "extract" gold with "mercury," you might have better luck in finding the information.

    Plus, isn't mercury poisonous?  It doesn't sound like a good idea, even if it would work.

  4. It's EXTRACT .  

    And I do not believe that the author of this question is in any way qualified to use MERCURY responsibly. Therefore you would be advised to forget the get rich quick schemes and practice your spelling.

  5. You dump mercury in the river and check your back account about 15 minutes later. Try it.

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