
How awful is BBC Entertainment?

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I foolishly signed a contract six months ago for an expensive televion service because it included BBC Entertainment ( ), BBC World News and Discovery Channel.

Firstly, it was foolish because I rarely ever watched television. Secondly, because all three of these channels seem utter rubbish.

Despite rarely watching television, I was wondering why I kept on seeing things repeated a second time. This week, I have had more time to watch television and am driven crazy by repeats.

I have seen "Librarian" episode of Not Going Out once in full and twice in part in one week. That means that it has been screened at least three times already. In case anyone his missed the screenings so far, it is repeated again tomorrow (Friday) (same episode) at 20:30 and 23:40. It is then repeated on Saturday at 06:00.

Another episode of Not Going Out I have seen twice is "Baby" episode. It is repeated again tomorrow (Friday) at 21:00, Saturday at 00:10 and 06:30, Sunday at 09:40 and 19:00 and Monday at 06:00.

Last night at 22:00, I watched Jonathan Creek episode "The Seer of the Sands". This, again, was on when I got home from work today. Actually, it was on today at 00:50, 05:10, 12:15 and 16:55. It will be repeated again tomorrow (Sat) at 13:40.

Today, The Weakest Link was aired five times. Episode 42 was aired four times and episode 43 once.

In researching the above information, I have found Murder In Mind episode "Corner Shop" (which I have seen aired three times) listed many more times and many other programmes again and again and again.

BBC Entertainment advertises itself as "the very best drama, comedy and light entertainment from the BBC". The world's best broadcaster and this is the best they can do? Endless repeats punctuated by trailers for upcoming programmes continuously interrupting programmes again and again? I have seem some trailers (such as for Judge John Deed) well over ten times!

Do you think this is a little too much or do you think the BBC are adequately catering for the person who likes to watch the same episode of the same programme four times in one day?






  1. I havent got this, but is sounds utterly horrific and yet does not surprise me in the slightest. There is now nothing worth watching on ANY channel in the UK. Just have a look around and you will see. It is all complete rubbish.

    EDIT: It isnt the fact that they are showing repreats. The BBC sell all of their decent programmes to other channels, then charge you for watching the sh@t that no one in their right mind would buy!!!

  2. Hi Nick.

    I know BBC entertainment is awful but it only repeats these shows because this is the bbc channel shown all over the world. so it has to repeat programmes all the time because of different time zones. I would only get it if u don't have access to other bbc programmes and are living in a foreign country and are desparate for some proper bbc! When i was living in singapore it was nice to have something which reminded me of home but its definetly not for the uk viewer!

    Hope this answers ur question :)

  3. Not even any Doctor Who? Sorry mate, sounds like you've lucked out, I'd start searching for a way out of that contract (my mum's great for terrifying call centre staff if you want her to help)

  4. I think your totally right, the BBC channels do repeat themselves over and over - but then again, most channels do. Channel 4, E4, E4+1 etc only ever seem to be showing Friends, The O.C, The Simpsons, or Big Brother.

    Your definately right about Discovery - I was on holiday recently and one day was bad weather so we stayed in for most of in and in the space of about 4 hours I'd seen the whole weeks worth of shows!

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