
How bad are the guys who do not stop having s*x when the girls cry "no" ?

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in UK, it is rape.

somehow, i feel people do not always agree with that.

so, I want to have some idea of what the public think.

do male and female have quite different view on this issue?

any convicted case to share?




  1. NOT HALF AS BAD AS THE GIRL WHO SAYS YES THEN NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. if she says no, then no it is, and if he persists then its rape.

    Ukok    sorry but you wouldn't know the difference if it was you on the receiving end of an assault.

  3. its only rape if she hasnt givin full consent over having sexual intercourse

  4. No should always mean no. I am a believer in having different degrees of rape; 1st degree stranger rape with violence, 2nd degree, know the person with violence, 3rd, wife, friend etc.

    All should come with harsh punishment just more for the severe cases.

  5. they are very bad...they are criminals.

  6. If a woman says stop , I stop .   If a girl cries "no" it's rape in the U.S.A.  too.    

             I want any woman I'm with to enjoy it as much as I do .

    If you have to force a woman to have s*x with you , You've got a large problem.

             And ,if a woman decided in the middle of the act to stop I'd still stop... It's not about super human control.  

         If she's a tease ... so be it ... I wouldn't be put in that position twice by anybody.  

            Once upon a time , I was in the middle of the act and the lady I was with started to cry ... We were old friends ... So , I asked what was wrong .  She had just become seriously involved in a relationship with another man and was feeling guilty .... so , I put her clothes back on her and drove her home .  She was surprised that I respected her enough to do that. And she kept telling me all the way home ,what a nice guy I was .....  It's no big deal to put it back in your pants .. unless maybe you're hard up.

  7. Its 100% rape what else could it be

  8. They are criminals and psychopaths. Severe punishment is required. Castration is a good way to deal with it. Nothing worse than forcing someone to do something against his/her will.

  9. No is No.!!!

  10. even if it is stopping them halfway through, it is rape for them to continue,sometimes it may be because they foolishly started without a condom and don't know if either has a disease

  11. If it has already started without any obvious objection, then they are not bad at all. Given the strength of the male s*x urge, 'I have started, so I will finish, seems entirely appropriate'. I am not interested in the female opinion on this, because they are not in a position to make a judgement call from the man's perspective. The law used to recognise this, until the utterly unreasonable feminists started to play around with the law.

    EDIT. You stated, 'not stop having s*x', implying that it had already commenced. Other respondents don't seem to have understood this important distinction, or are choosing to ignore it as though it were not important. A guy knows that it is important. Girls have to take some responsibility and not put the man in an almost impossible position. There used to be a name for these sorts of women. Engaging in s*x is a process, girls need to make it clear at the outset that they are not interested, and not wait until the man is aroused, and then expect him to perform super human feats of control.

  12. if a girl says no and means it then it is rape, but unfortunately some girls tease and some guys cant tell when no really means no

  13. That is rape.

  14. No is no i wish people will just stop being such sexist pigs and get over themselves and start treating rape like a serious issue like it is. All my male mates think the same.

  15. if she says no its rape thats all there is to it

  16. If you say no, then it means no. What is there to debate about?

    How can anyone say that it means any different?

  17. Well, technically those guys are rapists.

  18. s*x must be consentual between both parties.

    Anything other than this is classed as rape.

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