
How bad can a pisces get??

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they say that pisces are very good natured and really nice INNOCENT people..yah i get the point we are sometimes ...though some of us like me try no to admit it..well teh question is when we get mean can we get??..or how revengeful can we get?..and uhm other words besides evil can we also get??




  1. pisces are   REAL passive , but REAL  b*****s in their imagination

  2. It probably depends on the person's chart...their moon, ascendant, etc. will affect their nature, but generally Pisces are very compassionate people.

  3. you know what, you're little sadistic play towards people getting hurt is probably due to your cancer element. have you ever seen them get angry?? sheesh they are made for revenge!

    (and i say that with the utmost respect)

    i'm a pisces, and i'm pretty sure on a bad day i could be horrible to be around. everyone i know thinks i'm as sweet as pie.

    i'm actually quite a little evil fish. to say all pisces are angels is a mistake, because it turns out many of them can be really bad cans of tuna. i think we can truly master the art of a devilish grin or a menacing glare. (besides cancer, they rule at moody glares) but most people i know find it amusing when i get riled up-- cause it's usually not directed towards them. i wouldn't want to deal with me either if i had to argue with myself... i have mars in gemini, so that makes me quite the lawyer when upset, and that personal strive for a witty comeback can even annoy myself sometimes...

    and revenge? i get lazy with revenge. i usually just walk away, slur some words, and get on with my life. within a month it'll be forgotten. ha i don't waste my emotions on things that won't matter later on. a superficial move i know, but hey i'm a pisces. ;)

  4. Many pisces I have known (which are a lot), including myself, have been very friendly and warm and sweet. But get on their bad side (e.g. betray them, be disloyal to them, be offensive to them in some way), they can be some of the most manipulatively evil people I have seen.

    They do weird things like tell everyone a secret they know about the person who offended them, or embarrass/humiliate them in front of a large group of people. They can be reaaally mean and heartless when they get like this. It's kind of scary how ruthless they can get when their feelings get hurt, because often they know exactly where to strike to hurt that person back since they are both observant and intuitive.

    It's not that they're secretly evil and fool everybody by being sweet on the outside, I think it's more just they can change moods like the wind. Sometimes they're up and feel a warm, all-encompassing love for everybody in the world, and the next moment they're down and want to see everyone's demise. The very same problems that a piscean was trying to help a friend out with can be turned against their friend in an instant if the piscean gets hurt. Pisces can be very unpredictable and are hard friends for some people to understand because of this, I feel. I must admit that they can appear a little psychotic at times.....

    This is based on my own observation of the pisces men and women that I have been close to (though, to be honest, this applies more often to men than women in my experience).

  5. Most Pisceans I've known are exactly how you're describing yourself. The three water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) can be downright vicious when hurt or provoked. It's because your emotions are so strong.

    I do think Pisceans have a lot of compassion for people, but when someone crosses them, they can become very "shark-like". And when they strike, it is always cold and cruel just like a shark attack.

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