
How bad did obama blow-it by not picking hillary?

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How bad did obama blow-it by not picking hillary?




  1. Not at all....most of her voters are now supporting him.  He needed someone who could help him govern and with whom he could connect with in terms of a vision for the country and he found that in Joe Biden.  And Hillary will still be campaigning for him in upcoming weeks.  Just because McCain selected a woman doesn't mean that Obama is in a bad position for not doing so.  She'll fight on her own merit, just as guys will.

  2. Badly. I bet he would have won. Why didn't he? Anyone?

    Egomania stopped the man. Catty little fights stopped him. Hubris stopped him.

    But he made history as the 1st half black man to run for president in a major party.

  3. He didn't blow-it based on that decision (nor has he yet, I still think a dead heat).  At the end of the day most Democrats ALWAYS vote Democrat and most Republicans ALWAYS vote Republican (it is what it is).  What Obama needed was a candidate to shore up his experience, someone he could get a long with, and someone who independents (the people that matter come election day) didn't actually hate the way they did Hillary.  

  4. It showed a lot of strength not to rely on her voters.

  5. Saw Bill Clinton as an Liability.

  6. Well, you know how the Clintons work.  She'll get her revenge.  I'm sure this was the first of many errors by the O/B campaign.

  7. He didn't blow it at all. He would have lost if he picked her. A black guy on the ticket has been hard enough, can you imagine how hard a sell it would be if the ticket were black guy/white woman? If I were in his situation I wouldn't have picked her either.

    Also, who's to say she would have accepted? I'm pretty certain she want to run again in 4 or 8 years, so I doubt that she would have taken it if offered.

  8. Thankfully it cost Obama the election.

  9. we wont no until November 4th

    it may have been a bad pick or a very smart move.

  10. It may have been a mistake but she would take along too much baggage. Obama just take any more of Bubba.

  11. proof that he's sexist.

  12. I think it was a serious bad judgement call.

  13. He did not blow it at all.  Hillary and Bill would have been a distraction during the election process and during Obama's presidency.

    HIllary and Bill also have a ton of opposition on the right.  Just their presence in Obama's campaign would have enraged and unified the republicans against his candidacy.  

    However, by not choosing Hillary did give the Republicans a strategy to put a woman on a ticket.  But many would argue that among all of the women McCain could have chose from he did not pick the most qualified.

    Having a woman on McCain's ticket does not necessarily translate into 18 million more votes since women of America are voting on issues in addition to gender.  And I doubt all of the 18 million voters agree with Palin and her stance on the issues.

  14. Absolutely HUGE, it's why he will lose!

  15. Hill was his only shot at winning.  It would've been in the bag with her... now it will prob go to McCain/Palin

  16.   I have always believed that IF Obama had chosen Clinton, the Dems would have been almost unbeatable, even with Palin thrown in there.  Obamas cold, snobbish manner in which he "kicked her to the curb" and MADE her "eat crow", was not just humiliating, but harder than it should have been on Hillary.

  17. He blew it alright but the party had prepared for the crushing defeat long before that last redemption choice was presented to him.

    The dumocrats chose him, didnt they?

    Bad move. Not totally his fault, only about 44%

    DUmocrats fault 66%

  18. A lot of Democrats believed that he should NOT have picked her due to the primaries. It would've been unbelievable that they could put all the negativity aside for the greater good of the party/country. People that don't like Obama would not like him any more if Hillary were on his ticket. He has supporters based on who he is, not who is running with him.  

  19. he still will be the president. but he should have picked her.

  20. Pretty bad.

    He divided his voter base, all because he held a grudge because she ran against him.

    It's going to cost him the race.

  21. In the beginning ppl said he blew it. now ppl r on board with the obama-biden ticket. And no i dont i think obama made the right choice in picking Biden.

  22. That has yet to be proven!

  23. Thank goodness he didn't pick her!  She is a witch, compared to Sarah Palin.  If I didn't know any better, I'd think he did it on purpose so that the Republicans would win against the Clintons, AGAIN!!!  Seriously!

  24. He crippled his chance to become President, and for Hillary to be President too during the next four years.

  25. He didn't  She is good but their  working relationship would be  H----

  26. he threw away the election, so he blew it pretty bad

  27. I don't believe he did.

    He picked the person he felt with he could work with best and who brought a lot to the table.

    Obama wasn't concerned about pandering to voters.

    Unlike McCain who is, which is why he chose Palin.

    And I challenge anyone to prove that a man with Palin's exact credentials would've been chosen. Period.

  28. He really blew it. Clinton said she wanted the VP spot right after the primaries and all her supporters wanted her to get it. Obama knew that, but his ego was too big to pick her.

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