
How bad do you think the present economy is?

by Guest10832  |  earlier

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In the U.S.

When do you think it will get better?

I personally think it will get better only when we stop relying on oil and find a cheaper alternative.

What do you all think?




  1. It's not as bad as it's going to be.  The bottom is still not in sight....sorry.....PS: buy silver and gold.

  2. Not as bad as it's going to get

  3. It'll begin getting better at the end of the year according to predictions I hear.

    I also believe it will begin getting better when

    Bush leaves.

    He is not totally at fault for this poor economy.  Some of it could be blamed on mortgages and poor decisions made etc while other parts of the economy not doing so well can be traced back to high demand of oil worldwide by China and India and other countries and poor weather adversely affecting crops.

    But he has made bad errors with the wars (and thus spending and not having any plan for the war-- it would have gone well or better (well both wars) if he had a plan), refused to help alternate energy, and gave tax cuts, especially to the rich.  The ones to the middle class are okay but not ones to the rich.  His actions have helped cause a higher national debt, huge deficits, and high gas prices (he's not totally at fault for that but he shares some blame for it).

    Things will also get better if the next President invests in alternate energy-provides incentives for it and helps clean up both wars by listening to our military leaders and working with them to create help and improvement.

  4. It grew 1% in 1st quarter 2008.

    A plus, not minus.

  5. I don't think it is horrible.  Depends how far down we come.  I think it is mostly sticker shock most people are having, learning to live within their means.  We are still the wealthies country on the planet, we are still overweight (per capita), and we still have more toys than most nations on the planet.

  6. It is not going to be that bad after Iran is occupied and Asian economy collapses. The key is to win the upcoming war on Iran. If not, that's when you call economy to be real bad.

    Stopping relying on oil is for those countries who don't believe they can win the war over Iran.

  7. It will get better when George W. Bush is exiled and the United States realizes that we cant fight wars with other countries and expect them to not be biased when we do business with them. Ex. Fighting Muslim countries and then expecting them to give us oil.

  8. oh, it's pretty bad right now and going to get a lot worse before it gets better.  Prices for things like meats, dairy, and products made from wheat and corn were high because of the gas prices.  Now, with all the flooding in the midwest, those things will be even more expensive.  The trickle down effect won't take long.  Soon people will stop doing anything extra except getting to work and feeding their families.

    There have been bad times before and there will be bad times again.  This is just one more storm we have to weather and prove once again how resilient  and innovative Americans really are.

  9. Not Rich,Didn't create it ,don't care.

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