
How bad do you think the protests will get outside the rnc?

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sposed to be 50,000 or so protesters.

and they are pretty much building a fortress around the place....

you think martial law will be declared?




  1. I hope the protests are huge, there is much to be protested. I wish I could join in. I know the states of MN and WI have many many liberals living there. I don't think martial law will be declared, they are law abiding folks. Many my relatives.

  2. Libs.......they like attention, huh?

  3. They are a violent bunch.  I am sure they will be throwing rocks and setting things on fire.  Thats what they do.

  4. Don't worry, we have prisons for people who get out of hand. Democrats, can't stand to lose, and they are very poor sports. McCain/Palin 2008.

  5. Don't confuse riots with people celebrating in the streets for McCain/Palin

  6. If there are any protests outside the RNC, it will reflect very negatively on the Democratic Party. Because there were no protests in front of the DNC.

  7. that depends on the actions of  the Ron Paul crackpots

  8. Pat Robertson said that Katrina hit because of prostitution and abortion doctors.  I think Gustav is to knock off all the freak republicans.

  9. They'll all be in cages away from the press.

    This was at the DNC.

    Free speech in our country ain't what it used to be.

    One reason I support Ron Paul.

  10. it will be worst that the DNC  which was very tame compared to what the naysayer said it would be ,

  11. Yes.  I think there will be protesters.  People turn out for a variety of causes.  Its one of the biggest opportunities to try and attract attention to your cause. Denver prepared for large protests but in the end nothing much happened.  

    I love that somebody thinks protests at the RNC should be attributed to the DNC.  How silly is that?  There were fewer protesters in Denver because fewer groups take issue with the Democratic party...that doesn't mean they are DEMOCRATS.

    One protester in Denver said his attempts to mount a large scale protest failed because the other groups were reluctant to protest against the Dems.  They thought the GOP was more "deserving" of protests.

  12. I don't know but I'll bet you, if there's only 2 it will get 24/7 coverage on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, BBC and every other liberal station in Obamas shorts.

  13. i guess it depends on if those jackasses that protested denver show up screaming **** america and such. I have a feeling some of the farther right wing members may be armed outside of the convention and those dumb asses may get shot.

  14. Well, liberals are an immature, chaotic, lawless and violent bunch---so I wouldn't be surprised.

    Liberals=rude, crude, crass, and classless

  15. Bad.

    Its ok though its fun to watch liberals ignorance being shown.

  16. Ho hum.  No one really cares about the RNC, even republicans.

    Besides, Gustav is going to get the headlines, so who cares what some folks with too much time on their hands protesting do?

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