
How bad do you want to live?

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i live in an elderly state. not that im old school its just that when i drive i have to pray so that i can feel ive done all i can to ensure my longevity in this world. how many times do you blow your horn at an old person (65 an older) so that you can say you did all you could to get to your destination. Ive been hit 5 times. 3 of the 5 were elderly people. can we get some sort of retribution here? whats your thoughts? whats your story? do we need an elderly driving test? every 5 years from age 65?




  1. well, making the streets safer for everyone is another thing that can be done. so i guess a driving test every few years is good. or you can just have someone drive you around and pay for their gas money!

  2. Reading your question makes me think that the common factror in your accidents is YOU and your blatent disregard for and discourtesy to other road users.

    I have been driving for over thirty years and have only been hit by another vehicle just once - and that driver was younger than me (he was too busy listening to his CD to watch where he was going!)

    Judging by their driving and the national accident statistics, the only age group that need fear a re-test every five years are the under 25s.

  3. The world is crazy. I think they should make people stand on one foot with their arms out to their sides and count backward from 100. Then recite the names of their family members by looking at photos.

    Just so it isn't considered age descrimination they could do it to everyone.

  4. Retribution??? If you've been in 5 accidents then you are the common theme. You said yourself that only 3 of the 5 who "hit you" were elderly, yet you want to blame them? If someone is driving slower, I carefully go around them. I never blow my horn at the elderly or anyone anymore unless it is to prevent a collision. Defensive driving is the key. And no I am not an older driver.

  5. I have an elderly home center 2 streets from me, and I have never been in an accident with any of them.  Have gotten stuck behind them on the main roads going about 15mph. in a 45mph zone.  And it is scary when you can't see anyone behind the wheel, until you get next to them and see a little old person white knuckling the steering wheel, trying to pull themselves up high enought o see over the wheel, now that's scary.  Yes, I believe in testing after 65, every year though.

  6. Sorry if I bore you with my answer but there are two things we Americans need to do.

    First STOP electing Liberals into public office. Liberals NEED classes of people so they can continue to feel  "needed" and thereby re-elected. Liberals clamor if these classes of people are made to do anything for their own good.

    Secondly, we need to keep pestering our representatives with statistics which clearly show that older citizens are the cause of so many accidents. I personally believe that senior citizens need to be tested annually. I am 64 and voluntarily sold my vehicle and have been using the transit system for over 18 months. The worst part was the first 60 days. Now I'm used to it. I schedule my trips better. Manage my time better. Have no insurance premiums. Use no gasoline. Have more quality time to myself. Wouldn't trade the metro for all the tea in china.

  7. Well i take my time and patience when I drive. I am 24 years old and have had my license since age 18 and never been in an accident. I would never honk the horn at an old person no matter how old they are, havent you read the five people you meet in heaven, thats how the 1st person you meet died. No matter how fast you need to get somewhere its safer to get there late, life will go on trust me.

  8. I agree with you.  Most elderly people do not have all of their wits about them, and are often driving too fast, or too slow.  I almost got hit in the front by a very, very old man driving a Buick... And he was going fast, and was in the wrong lane.  They need to be road- tested and vision tested after 70 years old, and once a year after that.

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