
How bad does a bikini wax hurt?

by Guest34120  |  earlier

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i wanna get one, but im petrified!




  1. I agree with the first person, it's so worth it and is so much better that shaving, I love how long it lasts.  BUT.... I'm not gonna lie, it hurts like fire.  But only for a few seconds... after that, it's just a dull ache for a bit.  Then you need to be prepared for that area to be a bit red for a couple of days... so don't go get it done right before you're planning to be seen, or even two days before.  Anyway, it's worth the pain!  :)

  2. It's worth it!!!! It does not hurt that bad, just make sure the salon you go to does not use strips to remove the hair, if you see them grabing strips to remove your hair from the private area, RUN!!! it hurts like crazy. Strips are only to be used on your thighs and legs or any other area except your private!! They are supposed to use the wax alone which hardens and is removed! Get the brazilian!! It lasts about 2 months and looks so much better!!! Take tylenol about 45 min before you go or any other pain reliever, it helps numb you a bit!! Wear a dress or skirt when you go get it done.

    Trust me get it done, shaving sucks!!!

    Happy waxing!! :)

  3. a bikini wax is nothing! especially if you get it done professionally! get a Brazilian! they are so good! but i suggest you see can you handle a bikini one first!

    Take panadol or some painkiller before going in and make sure to ask for someone that has done this a hundred times before as they are more experienced!

    Everyone has a different pain thresh-hold. Minimize the pain by: a) With small scissors cut your hair short to about 1/4 inch. b) most waxes have included a bottle of numbing liquid....use it. c) pull the skin tight before applying the wax and while pulling. The pain is very short - in other words, you feel it and then as quickly as you say Ouch it is already over. And it never hurts the second or subsequent times as it did the first time.

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