
How bad does a rib/side tattoo hurt? honestly?

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i really want to get this picture as a tattoo, my boyfriend is a tattoo artist along with the rest of his family and they all say that it hurts soo extremely bad to get it done on your ribs and that i wouldnt be able to take the pain.

so how bad actually is it?




  1. It's a tattoo. It hurts. It will just depend on your threshold for pain. I have the tops of my feet done and I was crawling out of my skin. I imagine it being the same on your rib cage.

  2. it hurt so bad i died...twice....who gives a **** how much it dont need to be tattooed if you are worried about the pain..go get some henna or maybe one of those tattoo sleeve shirts

  3. There are too much bones going on on that area and there are less tissues to cushion the skin while it is being done so it will be extremely painful.  But I believe that if you really want it, you will go for it as and pain will not be a factor.  Its only temporary but the beauty of tattoos can last a lifetime.

  4. its  tattoo its bound to hurt..if u rly WANT it though u wont care how much it hurts x)

  5. its definately a delicate area. I'm not gonna lie. i have a piece on my ribs that took 5 and a half hours to do, but i managed all of it in one sitting. At first it tickled really bad, but as time wears on my skin in that area was getting pretty pissed off which made me have to take a lot of deep breaths. I think if your motivated enough you can do it, just make sure your artist isn't extremely heavy handed or, like me, your gonna wanna take a swing at the guy by the time it's through. It was totally worth it though. and you forget what the pain is like afterwards. But yea, definately a VERY tender spot.

  6. I just got a small word on my side/ribs a couple days ago, and of course it hurts a little, but some areas will hurt more than others. When the tattoo artist first started it barely hurt, but toward the end and the higher up on the rib, it hurt alot, but its sooo worth it! Good Luck!

  7. i cried and i was 26 when i got it. just being honest. i will never touch that area again

  8. It doesn't feel good, that's for sure. It hurts worse because it is on your ribcage, but it doesn't hurt like so bad you will be weeping in the tattoo shop. And if you do feel like weeping, don't, thats g*y. It feels like someone is scratching you over and over and over and the fact that its on a boney area makes it a bit worse. You will live. And don't listen to people that tell you to have a drink before you go. Alcohol thins your blood and if you bleed too much they will have to stop and it could really s***w up your tattoo. Any tattoo artist will recommend NOT drinking before getting a tat. Good luck. My first tattoo was on my ribcage and took 4 hours straight. I hate needles and I was fine. You will be too.

  9. The closer it is to the bone, the more it will hurt. If you're that concerned about the pain but you still want to get the tattoo, I would suggest a more fatty area. The ribs tend to be painful because they're so close to the bone, so maybe on another part of your body.

  10. I got my first tattoo on my ribs, it didn't hurt me.

    h**l what hurt the most for me, was when I kept on worrying about it and thinking about the pain (again there was none)

    If you can handle a gerbil biting onto your skin and not letting go, or watching yourself get a shot. You can handle it.  

  11. It's going to really depend on your body. I have a lot of tattoos, and ribs were the second worst...feet being the first. It wasn't overly terrible though, the tattoo itself took about 2 hours and I only needed to ask for 1 break.

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