
How bad does getting your navel pierced hurt?

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I have my tongue pierced, I did not feel it AT ALL, I have 7 piercings in my ears and pierced my navel on the bottom with a safety pin and a regular earring when I was 12, but I want it done for real now. How bad does it hurt in comparison to all of that?




  1. It does hurt, but only for a second. And you'll be surprised at how fast the piercer does it.  

  2. honestly it just feels like a bee sting really there is nothing to it. i got mine  she put clamps on they didn't bother me, after that she pierced my navel with an needle i didn't even feel it honestly and she put the curved bar bell through my skin i didn't feel it either and then she put the balls on and i still didn't feel it and it felt like i never even had it done i had to check to see if it was still there. some it hurts a lot, some it hurts a little and some it don't hurt at all it just depends on your pain tolerance. some get red, after pain like worst then period cramps and some get sore and then again some don't get any of them it just depends on your body!

    its almost 2 yrs since i had my navel done and i didn't get red, no sore and no after pain and its fine...

    i got both of my tragus done today and it didn't hurt at all and alot of people are like it hurts so bad and you shouldn't get it done. well i did and it didn't hurt at all the right one didn't hurt and the left one was a big pinch and thats it.  

  3. I think you should be fine. Like totally. When I had my bellybutton pierced, I couldn't feel is either. It was totally cool :) And since you have so many other piercings, and you said you pierced your bellybutton yourself before, you're gonna be totally fine. You shouldn't worry about a thing =]

  4. when i pierced my belly button, it didnt even hurt. the thing you have to watch out for is after its done. its extra sensitive, and dont touch it, unless your cleaning it.

  5. mine hurt like a b**** i got the top and bottom pierced at the same time, the bottom definitely hurt more than the top, the top was probably a 5 and the bottom was a 6, but it was bareable and it was over really quick. It also depends on your pain tolerance, and the skinnier you are the more it's going to hurt.

    i think for you maybe it will hurt more, just because the needle is a lot big than anything else you would have used on your ears

  6. It really just depends on the persons tolerance for pain. When I had mine done it didn't hurt very bad at all. Just like a tattoo, its a "bareable pain". In fact, when I had mine done my aunt was holding my hand so tight I hardly even felt it being pierced, lol. So maybe trying that method while keeping your mind off it being done will work just fine.

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